Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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I Did It!

Well, if you read my last post, you’ll already know what I am going to post about! 🙂

In my last post I talked about shaving my head. Today, I did it! 🙂  We left a little longer in front, but not much. IT.IS.SHORT!! I had a lot of feedback on Facebook when I posted about it last week. Some was really positive, and others were telling me not to do it. LOL! My hair can be quite controversial. LOL! Just kidding. But just lots of people weighing in. If you know me, you know I don’t do my hair for anyone but me.

So I posted pics on my Facebook… I’ve had people telling me it looks great, etc.  Some may not comment, maybe because they don’t like it.. ??  I don’t know.. And to be honest, I don’t care. At all.  I feel GOOD!!!!! REALLY GOOD! As soon as my hair came off, I felt good! Liberated! Happy!! Hair defines who I am. I know people that don’t feel that way would never understand it, but it does.  I LOVE MY HAIR. And I love doing what I want to do with it.  Changing it up. Doing something different.  Especially things that I know a lot of other people would NEVER do. Whether because they don’t like it, or because they were too scared. Well.. I DID IT. And I don’t regret it one bit.

This evening, my son and I went to United to buy a few groceries. I walked in with my head held high.. I FELT AWESOME. And guess what?  People looked at me. LOTS of people looked at me. I grinned. And guess what they did? They grinned back! HAHA! I actually am not sure if I’ve ever felt THIS confident in my life. Honestly. Isn’t that weird?! HAHA!

So, whether you like my hair buzzed or not, just know, I REALLY, REALLY don’t care. HAHA! I like it. My son likes it. And that’s literally all that matters to me.