Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Have Y’all Forgotten About Me?

WOW!!!! I said last time that I would write more… LOL!! Yeah.. I believe this is the longest I’ve gone without blogging!!!!  Crazy!!!!! Sorry ’bout that! I am sure you’re ALL so happy to see a post from me…. Right!? 😀

Anyways… The Summer is almost over.. And boy am I glad.  I am so freaking ready for Fall!! Hoodies, jeans, boots, big fat socks…. And DARK lipsticks and major smoky eye looks! Not that I don’t wear the smokey eye year round, but I like to go a little darker in the Fall/Winter months! 🙂  Speaking of the Smoky eye…. I just bought a new product that will make my smoky eye AMAZING! LOL!!  Well, to me it will… I bought the Tarte Tarteist Clay Paint Liner.. OMG!  It is Amazeballs.. Truly. This liner goes on BLACK… and MATTE… and doesn’t budge! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!


If you  love a good winged eyeliner, or just a black matte… THIS IS THE BEST ONE EVER!!!! Get it! You WILL NOT regret it!

This Summer was pretty uneventful.. Besides my trip to LAS VEGAS… that was TOTALLY free! 🙂  I did a 5K, saw ONE REPUBLIC, got a TON of free product.. did the DIRECTOR walk for the first time.. Oh my goodness! It was AWESOME and I made some AMAZING new friends!!!!!!!  None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t joined Scentsy in 2012. This has turned out to be one of the BEST decisions I have EVER made!  Here are just a few pics of my AMAZING trip!


So there ya go! 🙂  One Republic is AMAZING in concert! I knew they would be though! I LOVE them!!!!  And I was SO SO SO close!!!   AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

We found out our next Incentive trip is DISNEY WORLD or the next Scentsy Family Reunion in NASHVILLE TENNESSEE!!! SCENTSY SPOILS US SO SO MUCH! AUGH!  So right now, I am busy busy working my business to get a trip! 🙂   If you haven’t joined Scentsy yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!???!  You are TRULY missing out!!!!

Not a lot of other stuff happening around here… I dated someone for the first time in over 5 years.. That was a lot of fun… Hurt like hell when it ended… Makes me NOT want to try that again. LOL!!!!  I forgot how bad it hurts when you like someone and put everything into it, and they don’t… It really sucks. So it will be awhile before I try that again. HAHA! It did remind me of how fun dating is… How fun it is to have something to look forward to.. We went to movies, got ice cream, rented movies, etc.  We DID have a blast. It also kind of gave me my identity back…  As a Mom it’s REALLY easy to lose yourself with your kiddos.  I put my son first above EVERYTHING else in my life.. Which is how it’s supposed to be, but I am also a woman.. I am not dead just because I am a Mom.  So, now I take time to do what I want, too.. My son has an earlier bed time, and I get to watch movies, soak in the tub, paint my nails, work my Scentsy Business, shop online.. LOL! 😛 So, all in all, I guess dating again WASN’T such a bad thing.. HAHA!


I have become a total Netflix Junkie. LOL!!!!  I watched Parks and Rec… OMG! I watched all 7 seasons in about 3 weeks. LOL!!!! I was 100% team Ron Swanson. LOL!!! SO.FREAKING.HILARIOUS!  Luckily with my job, I can multi task.. So while I work, I watch my shows. HAHA! I finished Parks and Rec and had nothing else to watch.. I LOVED that show so much… I tried a few others, but nothing caught my attention… So then I tried SCANDAL… OH MY GOSH! Now I am totally hooked.  I am half way thru Season 4.. This show is CRAZY good! LOL!! At this rate, I’ll be all caught up for Thursday! 🙂

Lately I’ve been sending out cards… Just little blank cards that I write in and send to random people….  I LOVE snail mail SO much! I remember my cousins, or old friends and I used to write letters to each other… The Anticipation of getting something.. And when you finally do… AAAAAHHHHH! It just FEELS good to be thought of… Am I right? So, if someone is on my heart, I send out a card. Makes me feel good.   I KNOW how it feels to get a card unepectedly in the mail… So I love giving other people that same feeling! 🙂  Who doesn’t like to get something other than bills in the mail!?

That’s about all that’s going on around here….  I AM a pretty boring person. LOL! 🙂 But you guys already knew that!  HAHA! Well… there ya go.  There’s my life lately… LOTSA FUN, huh!?  Guess I’d better go… I hope y’all have a FABULOUS evening!!!

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