Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!

HEY HEY  Everyone! What’s going on???  Well, it’s taken a while to write this, but it will be a GOOD one! 🙂  Well at least I think so! 🙂 LOL!

So. We had to wait until New Years Day to do our Family Christmas.  My brother in law had to work, my sister got sick, my niece was sick, and my Aunt & Uncle couldn’t come in. Christmas Day a few of us went out to my Grandpa’s house for Christmas lunch.. That morning I did Jude’s Santa stuff. He got a lot of stuff, and had fun opening his stocking and presents! He got a lot of Dinosaur stuff, playdough, fun stuff like that!

New Years Day we ran errands and finished things up and then headed out to my Grandpa’s house!  FINALLY! 🙂  We ate a big lunch and then hung out all afternoon talking, playing games, whatever.  My brother in law ended up having to work until 7 that night, so once he got there we ate finger foods and sandwiches for dinner, and then the fun began! 🙂  Our traditions for Christmas is my Grandpa starts out by reading the Christmas story from Luke 2….


Then we stand in a circle and hold hands and pray.. After that, the kiddos pass out Christmas presents!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!


It was GREAT!  Jude got some AMAZING Stuff!!! he got games, a dino shirt, some learning stuff, money, a remote control T REX, a Buzz lightyear.. He REALLY RACKED up this year! 🙂  I love watching him have so much fun!!!!

I got money, gift cards, and THE LITTLE MERMAID ON DVD! 🙂 WOOT WOOT! I SO love that movie and I’ve wanted it forever! LOL!

With my money and gift cards, first things first… I went to ULTA ( I had a gift card) I bought Urban Decay NAKED 2 palette… OH MY GOSH!!!!! EEEEEEEEK!  I’ve been wanting to get one of these for awhile.  I stood in Ulta staring at all three of them for about 30 minutes. LOL! I finally chose 2… But now I am DYING to get the other two! LOL!!!  I have used it EVERY SINGLE DAY since I bought it!


I also bought Benefit They’re Real mascara.. WOWZERS!  I’ve had so many compliments on my lashes lately! 🙂



It’s way more expensive than what I’d normally spend, but I was just DYING to try it, so I splurged! EEEEEK! 🙂 I don’t know if I can use Drug Store Mascara ever again! HAHAHAHA!

Another AWESOME find this past week is This….  MAYBELLINE BABY LIPS… Man o Man! I’ve read about this product on TONS of make up blogs.. Have had several people tell him they’re awesome, I just always forget to grab one.. So this week I grabbed GRAPE VINE. AMAZING! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Just gives a little hint of color and is SUPER moisturizing! I LOVE it! I’ll definitely be buying more of this!!!!!!  If you haven’t grabbed one, DO IT! You’ll thank me, I promise! 🙂



So, I’d say it’s been a pretty productive make up shopping couple of weeks. LOL! 🙂 I’d so much rather buy make up and perfume, than clothes and shoes. I.HATE.IT! Seriously! AUGH! Oh well! My BFF made buying a pair of boots CRAZY easy and gave me a credit online.. SO I GET FREE BOOTS! WOOT WOOT! 🙂  Thanks girlie! 🙂  LOVE YOU!

Anyways! 🙂

So This is Scentsy’s 10th year!!!  They are really starting off with a BANG!  Guess what?!  Join my SCENTSY team in January and you get FREE Shipping on your starter kit, PLUS when you hit your FIRST Scentsy goal, you can get $300 in FREE PRODUCT!!!! Is that ABSOLUTELY amazing or what?!  I’ve heard they’ve NEVER had a special like this before!!!!!!!!!  This is SERIOUSLY THE BEST TIME to join Scentsy!!!!!!!!!!  Do it now!


Don’t want to join, but maybe want some FREE and HALF PRICED Scentsy!?  HOST A PARTY! This month only, you can get DOUBLE Half off rewards! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!  SO AWESOME!!!!  These specials are ROCKIN’! You don’t want to miss out! I can promise you that! January is also the month to get your BRING BACK MY BARS!!!!!! Twenty discontinued Scents brought back by your votes for one month! Check them out! There are some GOOD ones this time around!



I Love Cranberry Mango, Eucalyptus, Toasted Apple Butter, Watermelon Patch, Amber Road…. Get yours before they’re gone!


I guess that’s it for now! 🙂  I hope y’all enjoy it!

More will be coming soon!

Keep checking back! 🙂