Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Childhood Dreams

Have you ever thought about all the things you wanted to be when you were a child?  Are you ANY of the things you wanted to be??  I am one of them. A Mother. I remember wishing and hoping and praying my dolls would suddenly come to life! LOL!  I LOVED my baby dolls! All I ever wanted was to be a Mom.  Of course, I didn’t imagine myself as a single Mom, doing it alone, with my family, but, being a Mom was important to me. So, here I am.. A Mom to an ALMOST 4 year old little boy who is just the BOMB! 🙂

All the other things I wanted to be?  Yeah, none..  Here’s a list of everything I wanted to be when I was a little girl.

  • Veternarian
  • Fashion Designer
  • Hair Stylist
  • Architect
  • Writer
  • Zoologist

LOL! 🙂 My childhood best friend and I used to get BIG pieces of paper and draw houses.  Not the outside of the house like a kids drawing… But the layout of the home inside… We’d spend HOURS drawing, writing, erasing, filling in, etc! We liked making them ELABORATE! We’d try to add more stuff to ours.. A hair salon, a pool, a bowling alley.. LOL! 🙂   We had THE BEST time! I truly thought back then that I could be an architect. 🙂

The Fashion Designer thing cracks me up.. I AM TERRIBLE with Fashion.  I know plenty about hair styles and colors, and make up, etc. But clothing and shoes??  NO WAY!!!  I’ve never cared a whole lot about clothes and shoes.  Even now to this day, I have like 3 pairs of shoes TOTAL… ONE Pair of jeans, that kind of thing. LOL!!!! I just don’t care.  But back then… I would draw clothes, design them, color them, etc! 🙂  I was good… HAHAHA! Yeah, right.  I wish I still had those drawings!!!!

A writer.. Oh my goodness… I TRULY thought I ROCKED as a writer!  I REALLY wish I still had my stories from way back then… I remember in the 3rd or 4th grade (I was in public school then), we had to do some creative writing.  I remember writing a story about a dinosaur and my teacher loved it!  I was very descriptive! 🙂  I remember getting a 100 and she praised me for it! 🙂  My baby sister and I used to sit around and write stories. 🙂  I thought I was awesome…  We used to read the Baby-Sitters Club series.. First of all, THOSE BOOKS ROCKED! LOL! 🙂   I LOVED Them!!!!!!!  I loved how descriptive the author was with their clothing and accessories, and the snacks Claudia had stashed everywhere, etc.  I wanted to write books like that. I wanted to write books that made you FEEL like you could see the characters.. Smell their perfume and shampoo..

Now…  Here I am.. almost 35.. a Real Estate Photographer and Mom… Wishing I’d done some of those things.  I told my family just the other night how I wish I’d become a writer! They said “So do it”.. LOL! 🙂  Ummmmm, no. LOL! I don’t have the first clue what I’d do…. How I’d begin.  Sure would be fun though!

One thing I didn’t know about as a child, but I am… SCENTSY SUPER STAR CONSULTANT!!!! WOOT WOOT! 🙂  Now THAT is an AMAZING part of my life! I am SUPER glad that Scentsy came into my life when it did!

So, I am a Mom, a Real Estate Photographer, and a Scentsy Consultant…..  My life is pretty full! I shouldn’t complain, that’s for sure!!!!

What did YOU want to be when you grew up?  Are you doing anything you dreamed of being!?


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A Haul, Single Living, and the Lord

Hey everyone! What’s going on?  Not a whole lot here!! I just got home! After work, our family went to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse for my Dad’s birthday.. I DID NOT care for their steak at all.. Their side salad was delicious though. After dinner, Jude and I went to Ulta! 🙂 I ABSOLUTELY love that store! It’s AMAZING!!! Jude loves it too! 🙂  I think he loves all the bright colors.. and he loves to smell the perfume and cologne! 🙂  HAHAHA! Other than Target, it’s my favorite store EVER!  I have a HUGE event coming up soon, so I had to pick up a few necessities! I watched a tutorial for a smoldering (smokey) look the other night and she used a Loreal Extra Intense Liquid Eye Penci! Supposed to be amazing, so we’ll see! LOL! Also got a lipstain that was clearanced out, and a NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil.. But I can’t remember which one I got.. Bronze maybe… 🙂  WOOT!!!




The stain… I am not sure about. The applicator is REALLY, REALLY weird… The good thing is, it doesn’t feel like a stain.. It actually really does feel more like a gloss! I just applied it a bit ago, so we’ll see if it’s still there when I wake up! LOL!


Lately, I’ve been having some thoughts… As a single woman, sometimes it gets lonely being single… But as a single Mom, I think it’s worse sometimes. I have friends, and I have a ton of WONDERFUL family around me ALL the time. But, there are times when I get lonely for companionship… Someone to share my life with, my hopes and dreams, etc.  You all know what I am talking about.  Well, the other day I was having a hard day.. I was feeling sorry for myself and I was driving to a job. All of the sudden, the Lord placed a song on my heart…  It’s a song I’ve ALWAYS Loved, but haven’t heard or thought about in ages… The first verse says this…

“Who can satisfy my soul like you
Who on earth could comfort  me
And love me like You do
Who could  ever be more faithful, true
I will trust in You
I  will trust in You, my God”

Such an amazing thing to hear at that moment..  No MAN can satisfy my soul… If I am not being satisfied and fulfilled by my relationship with Jesus Christ, then a man is not going to be able to fill that gap.  God put a hole in EVERYONE that ONLY He can fill. That’s what I was doing before…. Feeling lonely and dating whoever… I haven’t dated in over 3 years.  And I won’t.  Not unless I feel the Spirit saying its okay… And not unless my family approves. Doesn’t mean I won’t get lonely. I will. BUT, I have a close relationship with the One who created me and knows my thoughts and feelings and can take that away. Being a single mom is so much different then when I was single. I dated people that were NOT good for me. Now, I am not only thinking about me and my wants and needs.  It’s just all so weird. LOL!!! I actually attempted online dating.. FOR A DAY. LITERALLY A DAY.  I had messages from weird, random men… One of them was an ex con. LOL! NO THANKS.  I immediately deleted my account the next day. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  ANYWAYS….. Back to a serious note… If ANY single moms are out there reading this… There IS hope for us! 🙂  I don’t know about you ladies, but I for one would rather be alone forever, than be with the wrong guy… Wouldn’t you?


This is 100% me.  I laugh at everything I say. I think I’m hilarious! 🙂 HAHA!


Those are all funny….. But this last one is TRUE sometimes.. LOL! When I am having a pity party day, this is really sad to me. LOL! LOL!


But really…. It’s ALL good!!  I know if I am supposed to get married again, I will ONLY IN GOD’S TIME. 🙂

That’s all I have tonight!  I thought I’d share that just in case someone else is really struggling!  I hope y’all have a WONDERFUL evening!!!!

