Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Here I am

Hello There! How are y’all doing??!  I am doing GREAT!  Right now I am enjoying some awesome Mommy time… Watching Drop Dead Diva, eating chips and hot sauce, and browsing Facebook, Playing Mahjong, etc. LOL!!!!! Yes, I am a great multi-tasker! HA! Jude didn’t go to sleep until almost 11pm so I needed a little time to  myself, or else I’d be SOUND ASLEEP! 😛

Things here are going good! I seriously have THE BEST JOB EVER!!!  I’ve been there for a little over a month, and I am LOVING it!  The ladies I work with are so much fun, the dr’s awesome, and the patients are so incredibly sweet! I am learning SO much and considering getting CERTIFIED! WOOT! Jude and I are ABSOLUTELY loving me being off on Friday’s!!!!!  We don’t do anything big or important….. We just REALLY enjoy being together! It is so much fun!!!!  We are hoping to take a little over night trip soon! 😀

I got a massage today and man oh man did I need it!!!  It’s been quite awhile since I had one and I have been in so much pain lately!!!! I laid in bed all day yesterday and most of today… It feels better, but now I have a headache! BLEH!!!


Ya know how there are all kinds of monthly subscription deals? Birchbox, Ipsy, etc?  Well, I found another that I am SO insanely excited about!  It’s called SCENTBIRD!  You pay $14.95 a month… You take a test on their site and they give some recommendations… But you choose the scents you want and put them in your “queue”… Then they send you a 30 day trial of the scents you choose…. One per month! I am all signed up and I can’t wait to get my first one!!!!  Use my link to sign up https://www.scentbird.com/r/d/sherilyncrutchfield2  We can get FREE perfume! WHO DOESN’T LOVE THAT!??!?  I LOVE NEW PERFUME!!!!!!! Hopefully I’ll remember to keep y’all posted on it. LOL! 😀 Y’all know I always forget!

Anyways! It’s almost 1am and I am SLEEPY!!!!!  Night, Night guys!



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Hey Folks! What’s going on? I am just watching TV and catching up here…  I have another post I’ve been working on for almost a week now. LOL! I’ll finish that one eventually! LOL! Oh well!

This has been a pretty good week and week and weekend!  Work went well..  Same old stuff, just different days… I’ve sold a little Scentsy… Had a lot of Jude time… and some friend time!   Can’t beat that, can ya!? Monday night I went to a friends house and watched Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring… I recently bought all three at Ralphs. I don’t think I’ve EVER had that much fun watching LOTR. LOL!!!  We decided we should be on the old show, Mystery Science Theater 3000.  We talked, laughed, ate popcorn, sang… LOL! LOL! 🙂 Now we have to find time to watch the other two.  I can’t wait! 🙂



This weekend was GREAT! Last night Jude and I ate HOMEPLATE DINER (DELICIOUS!) Today we slept incredibly LATE, then got up, got ready and picked up my niece and then went to the Science Spectrum…  We watched Dinosaur Passage to Pangaea.  It was Claymation.. Which made Kel and I die laughing at first, but it was also pretty funny, and cute.  Jude LOVED it, of course!!!!  After the movie, we played at the Science Spectrum for awhile before going to eat at Rosas! 🙂  It was a Wonderful day!!!!!

Me & Kel



So I told y’all I bought the Naked 2 Palette…  Well, it’s literally ALL I’ve worn EVERY day since I bought it! LOL!  My Mom even uses it!  It’s so versatile! You can create SO many different looks with it! I am absolutely IN LOVE!!!!!!!  The first is pretty similar to the 2nd, so I need to get the 3rd! 🙂  It’s more pinky colors! Looks Beautiful!

I’ve found a perfume I’m currently in love with…. I’m telling you.. It’s AMAZING. I just have a rollerball, and it doesn’t last long… So I need to get the bottle now.  It’s the Ralph Lauren Big Pony Pink….  Seriously AMAZING! Sweet and flirty….  I’m in love! 🙂  you should definitely check it out!  Ralph Lauren #2 Pink, the sensual fragrance. A Floriental Fruity with the key ingredients of Cranberry & Tonka Mousse, this fragrance is for an alluring flirt with a romantic spirit. Playful and irresistible, this modern woman follows her heart… and she just might break yours. The eye-catching pink bottle is complemented by a green oversized polo pony icon opposite a cool blue number 2. 



Did y’all notice in the picture above that I’m growing out my hair!?  Luckily my hair grows FAST!!  It’s still in the in-between phase, but won’t be for long.  At least all of my spikes have grown out! LOL! That’s the worst part! WHEW!  Probably in the next couple of months it will be grown out where I want it! 🙂  I’m excited and ready!  I’m also ready to change the color!  I am pretty bored with my natural color.  I tried a new one that was supposed to kind of lighten it, but it really did NOTHING to it! 😦  I’m trying to get my oldest sister to agree to helping pull it threw a cap and throw on some bleach and who knows what else! 🙂 Guess we’ll see what happens!



I guess that’s it for now!  I hope y’all have a WONDERFUL Sunday!!!! 🙂  Go to church and have a wonderful day!








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Windy Weekend!

Hey everyone! 🙂  What’s going on today? It’s Saturday afternoon.. We just got home from our cousin Haylee’s 2nd birthday party! 🙂  We ate burgers, talked, hung out with family, and the kids played. Jude is napping now and I am watching “The Amazing Spiderman“! I rented it yesterday to watch last night, but we didn’t get home until LATE!! I was way too tired!

We had our church’s annual Women’s Pajama party! 🙂 It was a blast, as usual! Jude went with us, of course, and as usual, he was a hit. LOL! He’s so goofy! 🙂 He got new pajamas, and just looked adorable! We didn’t get home until about 10:30 (we left early!) and he was so wired from too much fun that he didn’t get to sleep until after 11:30! LOL! Silly boy! Luckily this morning, he slept in some! WHEW!

Today, we’ll probably just chill for awhile, but at some point, I HAVE to go buy some work shoes.  Mine were absolutely AWFUL! LOL! I’ve had them since I got pregnant… The inside was coming apart, they were STINKY (LOL! GROSS) and so I just threw them in the trash last night… Now,  I HAVE to buy some, or I won’t have any shoes to wear to work on Monday! LOL! How’s that for motivation to do something? LOL!!!!! 🙂  I am a ding dong for sure!

Last night it actually rained some!! I was SO excited!!!! I have a friend on FB in the middle of nowhere in NM and it had been raining there a little earlier so I guess we got their rain! LOL! So thankful we did! Today, it’s HOT and WINDY! So ridiculous! Here it is NOVEMBER 10th, and it’s 82 degrees! ANNOYING! I think it’s supposed to cool down starting tomorrow… I hope it does, and I HOPE it lasts!!!! I want to get pics of Jude and I for Christmas cards and I’d prefer to not be wearing short sleeves and sandals! LOL!!! 🙂

It’s midnight and I just realized I didn’t go get new shoes.. LOL! I have no clue what shoes I’ll be wearing to church tomorrow morning… OOOOOOPPPPPPSSSS! LOL! I totally forgot! EEEEEEK! I am REALLY a doofus! AUGH!

So yesterday I posted that AWESOME music video, “Kings and Queens” by Audio Adrenalin.. I’ve decided to continue with that trend… Posting FAVORITES… Here’s one I LOVE! A reminder that the little things aren’t such a big deal.. That no matter what, we’re BLESSED! It IS easy to get bogged down by the little things and forget what GOD is doing in our lives. 🙂 I hope you enjoy…

Francesca Battistelli– THIS IS THE STUFF…


I hope you guys have a WONDERFULLY blessed weekend! I know I will! 🙂 Excited to go to church tomorrow! 🙂

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A little bit of this, and a little bit of that!

Hello everyone! 🙂 What’s going on!? Not a whole here! Just watching BIG BANG THEORY before going to bed! I love this show.. It’s ridiculous! LOL! Do you guys watch it? If you don’t, you should! 🙂

Life around here is pretty G-R-E-A-T! 🙂  Work is awesome, and so is my SCENTSY business!!! I’m pretty far from my goal, but I am hopeful!  And I have been stepping out of my comfort zone too, so I am hoping and praying it pays off soon! 🙂  I do have my VERY FIRST Scentsy HOME party next week!!!!  I am so excited and I hope it goes well!!!! WISH ME LUCK! 🙂

The weather has really been cooling down lately and it’s been GREAT! I usually HATE cold weather, but I am loving it now! Saturday I don’t think it got above 48 degrees!! 🙂  We had my Mom’s AWESOME vegetable beef soup and corn bread for lunch! Sunday was my Birthday….  I am now OLD, OLD, OLD! LOL!!!!!!! I had a GREAT day!  Went to church, then came home from church for lunch that I got to pick (that’s what our family does)…  I picked Brisket, potato salad, and mac salad.. You have NOT lived until you’ve eaten THAT meal from my Mom.  She’s an AMAZING cook, and that is seriously the best!  Our entire family LOVES it.. Which is rare for all of us. LOL!  Out of our whole family, we get pretty picky and usually someone doesn’t like SOMETHING! LOL!!!! 🙂 My brother in laws Dad came to lunch too, and that was fun! 🙂  You have to be pretty special to share SUNDAY LUNCH with the Crutchfield’s. LOL!!!! Consider yourself lucky, priveleged, or blessed if you’ve done it. HAHAHA!!! (I’m only party kidding!)  I got some money for my birthday, and I can’t decide what to do with it!  Save it? Spend it? AAUUUGGHH! I am not a person who NEEDS more make up or perfume, but boy do I want it. LOL!!!  I want two SugarPill palettes, and I want a new perfume.. I tried Viva La Juicy the other night and LOVED it, and Burberry Body… Delicious! I used to wear Malaia from Hollister, but just found out it’s been discontinued! I did find it on Ebay.. But I can’t decide for sure what I want! LOL!!!!!!  Oh well… I know I’ll decide on something. HA!

My niece had her 6 month cardiology check up today, and of course, as to be expected, it went AWESOME! 🙂 SO Blessed that Kelbey is so healthy and doing so well!!!!!!!! 🙂


Well, I guess I’d better go!  I hope y’all have a wonderful night, and AWESOME Friday!!!  I know I will!





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Weekend Fun!

Hi guys!!!!   How’s everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing GREAT!!! 🙂

I had a WONDERFUL week at work!  I haven’t been this happy at work in a long time!  I am VERY blessed to be where I am right now!!!!!!! I couldn’t ask for a better job!  I make enough money to support myself and my son, buy food, clothes, and even a few fun things here and there! I have awesome coworkers, AMAZING bosses who want the best for me, and the job itself is a blast really!!! What more could I ask for?!

As much as I love work, I love the weekends more! LOL!!!  I get to spend it all with Jude.  This morning he woke up at 8am, we ate waffles, I showered and cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the living room, then we had a special friend come over for a bit… Then we went and got lunch at Rosas and came home & played until nap time!  After his nap, I think we’ll get out for a bit!  Mama needs some new shoes.. LITERALLY! LOL!!! I need a good pair of work shoes, so we’ll go shop around and just spend some time together! 🙂 Tomorrow, is church and of course, lunch with the family which is ALWAYS interesting and somewhat entertaining. 🙂

What do y’all do for fun on the weekends????  I’d love to find some new fun things to do with Jude!!!  We’ve talked about going to the Science Spectrum with a friend of ours, but we’ve yet to do that!  Maybe next weekend!!!!!  Jude’s never been and I know he’d love it!

Everyone knows how much I LOVE make up!  I’m a SUPER nerd and I’ve been looking at tutorials on Youtube.com for some new eyeshadow ideas! LOL!!! I’m a nerd.. I know!  I can’t help it!  I LOVE MAKE UP!  It’s my weakness, really! I wear almost ALL Avon and Mark make up…..  But as I think I’ve told y’all before, I LOVE MFFX Eyeshadows!!!  If y’all haven’t checked them out, you definitely should!!!!  The owner is AWESOME and she is always coming up with new colors! I LOVE IT!!!!!  I have probably 100-150 colors, and I need more! LOL!! The prices are RIDICULOUSLY affordable!  I get the samples which is still alot, I’ve yet to run out of a color… and sometimes she sends more goodies with your order!!!  You just never know what you’re going to find when you get “pretty Mail”…  Check it out on Facebook….


Place an order & Tell her Sherilyn sent you! 🙂

Another of my weaknesses is Perfume..  I really have more than I need. LOL!!!! 🙂  But I can wear a difference scent every day of the week, and then some. LOL!!!! Anybody else have that weakness??  What’s your favorite perfume?  I can’t name a favorite, really…  I LOVE Avon Reese Witherspoon In Bloom.. It’s since been discontinued, so I bought 4 bottles. LOL!!!!!!!  I also LOVE Avon Far away Exotic… An about 8 more. LOL!!!!

Enough about that…………………….

As you ALL know I am a single Mom.  I don’t really have ANY friends here in town.  All of my friends have moved off, or they are my friends from my Mommy group and none of them live here… heck, I’ve never even met any of them. LOL!!!!!!  I would LOVE to find a group of Mommies to hang out with!  I know there are local churches that have MOPS groups (Mothers Of Preschoolers), but they all meet during the day.  I am a working Mommy… I need something in the evening or on the weekends!!!  If ANYONE has any information about something like that, please pass it on to me!  I’d love to check it out!

My sister got onto me last week because I said I updated my personal blog, but I talked about Scentsy in it. LOL!!!!!  Well, I just have to mention ONE thing about Scentsy… Sorry, Kayla!!!!

August is our transition month… We’re getting rid of Spring/Summer stuff to make room for all of our Fall/Winter Scents which you can purchase in September!  Right now, ALMOST everything is 10% off!!!!! You can see on my site what is on sale… Check it out!  Just go to my site, click on Client August Orders party, and get to shopping!  You’d REALLY help me out!!!!!  As a single Mom, I depend on all my customers to help me out!!!!! I’d love to hit it BIG this month!!!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!



Alrighty, I guess that’s it!!!  I hope y’all have the best weekend EVER!!!!