Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Hey there peeps! What’s going on?? I am currently watching THE PROPOSAL and eating Macaroni Salad. HEHE!

Don’t you hate Sunday nights??! KNOWING you have to wake up the next morning and start the week all over again?  I have a GREAT job, but I would still rather stay home. LOL! 😀 And I get a Three day weekend EVERY WEEK! I guess we’re never REALLY happy with what we have, are we? LOL!!!

Well this weekend was one for the books! Man Oh Man!!!!!!! Okay, let me start by saying… We got word Garth Brooks was coming to Lubbock. He hasn’t been here in like 25 years. I have loved Garth since I was a kid…. LOVED HIM! I remember in 6th grade, calling Rick Gilbert at KLLL 96.3 and requesting “Friends in Low Places” EVERY SINGLE WEEK DAY at Noon STRAIGHT UP for their request lunch hour. LOL!!! EVERY DAY. No lie! I recently got the chance to tell Rick that story. HEHE! 😀 Man I was a dork. But I freaking LOVED that song!!!!! I never in a million years would have dreamed I’d see Garth Live! So they announce he’s coming… Tickets are like $75 or so. I JOKINGLY posted on Facebook that I needed someone to take me to the concert! 😛 Well, one of my friends commented that they were getting tickets, and that I could go with them. I knew I HAD to get a ticket….. Well, tickets go on sale.. I text my friend and I asked ifthey got tickets, because I was going to try to get some money together to go…… She never replied! (JERK!) HAHA! THEN that night, a Scentsy Star Director I’ve met at Scentsy Family Reunion, texted me. It was a video… She told me in the video she’d messaged my friend and bought me a ticket! OMG!!!! I WAS GOING TO GARTH!!!  SAY WHAAA?!??!?!??!?! AAAUUUGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! I cried like a baby! Then Jude cried too, because he was happy for me, but sad he couldn’t go! HAHAHAHAHAH! 😀 I also received a message from my Super STar Director, who was also in on this! AND another director I don’t even know and I’ve never met! WHAT IN THE WORLD!??!? These ladies went in and helped me mark off an item on my bucket list! ALL beause they thought I deserved it! Y’all! These are not people I hang out with on a daily basis.. These are fellow #bossbabes Leaders in this awesome Wickless Candle Biz… Had I not ever joined this company, I’d never have met them! I am thankful EVERY SINGLE DAY for this company and my business!!!!!!!!!

Here’s some pictures of the concert! Garth puts on one heck of a show! And he did a total of 5 here since Thursday!

This is a shirt my friend made for me JUST in time for the concert!!! Is that cute or what?! And, I do have to say, my highlight was ON POINT! HAHA!



My pictures aren’t that great, but it was seriously THE most amazing concert EVER!!! He was so fun, and funny, and looks like he absolutely LOVES what he does!!!!!! If you ever get a chance, GO!!!! It was so much fun!!!! 😀 My friends I went with are so fun too!! Carrie and I laughed and yelled and sang! It was a freaking BLAST!!!!!

I’ve always LOVED music. I remember growing up loving music, always listening to music, ALWAYS. When I did homework, while I slept, while I skated down the street. Music has a way of bringing back memories, a lot like scent does! SO MANY SONGS bring back memories… Some good. Some bad. But music makes me cry more than anything else. First, I cried when he came out, just because… DUH! It’s Garth! AUGH! He’s a LEGEND! Then just some songs hit me and make me cry. I can’t help it. LOL! I get made fun of all the time for crying over ridiculous things. But, I don’t care. LOL! I’ll cry all day everyday, if I want to! 😛

Anyways! Can you believe it’s APRIL!???!! I mean, REALLY! Where does the time go!? April 2nd! CRAZY! My sister posted a meme today that said “It’s April.. Can I put my tree up yet?” HAHAHAHA! OF course I said YES! It’s ALWAYS a good time to put up the Christmas tree! HA! But also makes me realize, it will be Christmas before we know it! It’s gonna keep flying by! I am ready for SUMMER though! I LOVE Summer! I am ready for WARM WEATHER! We were having GREAT weather.. 70’s and 80’s.. Then the past few days, it’s been COLD and WET! Like 40’s and 50’s! What the heck!? LOL!!!!!

So Beauty and The Beast came out a few weeks ago…. I took my niece opening weekend. OH.EM.GEE!!!! BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! Have you seen it!? If not, you are missing out! GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! IT IS SO GOOD!!!!!!! My niece and I had so much fun!!! The movie is amazing… My niece put it best.. It was MESMERIZING! The colors and graphics and songs.. ALL SO MUCH FUN! I bought the soundtrack.. I love the new added songs.. It’s just THE BEST! I took my son the next week… I loved it, he did not.. And I may go see it a 3rd time. HAHA! It’s THAT Good to me!!!!! Beauty and the Beast was always my FAVORITE Disney movie and this did not disappoint at all!!!!!! GO SEE IT!

Anyways! I guess that’s about it for now! I hope y’all have a FABULOUS week!



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Working on ME!

Hey everyone! How are y’all doing?  I am doing good! It’s Saturday! YAY! I LOVE the weekends! Work is REALLY good, but who DOESN’T Love a good weekend!??!  I only work 4 days a week and STILL live for the weekends. HAHA! I love my job… I have learned so much, and continue to learn every day! I work with AMAZING ladies and the two dr’s are awesome too!

Lots of stuff going on around here! Jude and I moved home to my parents again temporairily. We were living in an apartment for about a year and a half… The last 6 months it got BAD. Maintenance was slacking, and new neighbors moved in above us… These guys were RIDICULOUS! Literally the loudest people I have EVER heard… And that is NOT an exaggeration.  They were loud ALL NIGHT and ALL DAY! THEN they get two dogs… OH EM GEE!!!! They got worse! We complained.. A LOT. The apartment complex didn’t care.. We eventually found someone to sublease from us, so we got out FAST! So, now we are back at the parents house until we find a better place! Jude is LOVING Being back at Nana and Papa’s. LOL! Since Dad retired, Jude has a full time play mate. HAHAHAHAH!

Other things going on… Scentsy… It’s so fun, and so good! This Fall/Winter, I believe my team is going to BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER!!!!  There are so many Amazing things happening this year!  The new catalog is TO.DIE.FOR! SO many cute new products! YOU NEED TO SEE IT!  You DEFINITELY need to join my Scentsy team and see what is going on!! Did you know if you join in AUGUST you get an ENAHNCED SUPER SIZE KIT!??  Well you do! I currently have a team of 40, with two reinstating next month, I believe, and I know we will grow even more than that in August for sure! Will YOU Be one of them??? Let me give you another reason to join my team…. AUGUST STARTS THE QUALIFICATION PERIOD FOR THE INCENTIVE TRIPS!  Wanna know where we’re going if we earn????? It’s 5 levels… You can earn Scentsy family reunion next Summer… Kansas City, MO… OR Punta Cana, Dominacan Republic…. OR the Top 100 earners can go to…… AN AFRICAN SAFARI!! OH.EM.GEE! WHAT!???!!  Any of those appeal to you??? Hop on over to my website and click JOIN! You may wanna wait until MONDAY tho to get the SUPERSIZE KIT!  You can go to my site HERE

In Other news… Jude and I started Swimming lessons a few weeks ago! LOL! YES… You read that right… BOTH of us.. Swimming Lessons!  I found this INCREDIBLE lady who teaches in her backyard. We have private lessons… Jude usually goes first, then I go.  HAHA! We are having the BEST time! And do you know how empowering it is to learn something you have ALWAYS wanted to learn and have never been able to before?????  WOW! I feel AWESOME everytime I am done! 😛  May sound really stupid to some of you… Most people learn to swim as children. Well I didn’t. So, I am learning now.  It is NEVER too late to learn something new!!! Our swim instructor told me she can help me with the motions and learning HOW to do it, but she can’t teach my brain and stop it from being scared…. I made a decision before we even went to her that I was going to learn and I wasn’t going to let fear stand in my way. I didn’t… And I have done “swimmingly”.. BAHAHAHAHAHAH! 😀  Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have been scared?? Fight past it and GO FOR IT!  You will be amazed at how you feel when you do it!  I know I do!

I am currently growing my hair out from the buzz cut… It is interesting. LOL!  Sometimes I just have to laugh when I look in the mirror. LOL!!! I watched a lot of videos before deciding to shave my head…. And the women who did it all said the biggest con to shaving their head was the growing out phase…THEY WERE RIGHT! WHEW! My hair has kinda been sticking out EVERYWHERE!!! It is actually growing out pretty good right now, it’s getting longer and laying flat in SOME places. HAHA! 😀 It’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to change it up and do something new!! I haven’t dyed my hair at all since I shaved it, and man oh man is my white shining… I HAVE A LOT OF WHITE/SILVER HAIR! EEEEEEEK!


The lipstick used in this pic is AWESOME! It’s the NYX Ombre Lip Duo in Poppy & Lilly! This picture was taken at about 1:30pm…. I put that lip duo on at 830am! I had been drinking my water all morning, plus had lunch and it was STILL on! SO AWESOME!!!!I also used the NYX Setting Spray.. IT IS SO GOOD! Definitely check those out!!!!!

One last thing…. My son turned SIX last week! SIX!!!! Is that unbelievable or what?!?  I can’t believe my baby is growing up! He had a BIG Birthday party… It was crazy!!! I brought 8 Large Pizzas and they were gone in minutes! Little Ceasers has really stepped up their game lately! Those pizzas were GOOD!  Jude got lots of Legos, Nerf Guns, video games, and so much more! We had SO much fun!! Anyways!

I guess that’s all for now! I hope y’all enjoyed this post!!! And I hope y’all consider joining my Scentsy team! We really do have a BLAST!!! You’ll be added to our Scentsy team page, and have access to a lot of info, ideas, advice, and encouragement!

Talk to y’all soon!





I’m Lovin’ It! Favorite Things!


What’s going on? I am watching DUCK DYNASTY! WOOT! 🙂  This show isn’t nearly as funny as it used to be… Too much scripting, I think.. But it’s still good! 🙂

So this blog is basically going to be about a few favorites of mine right now… The first will of course be something SCENTSY! HEHE! So I mentioned in my last post about the Summer Bundles Scentsy came out with… The Laundry Bundle and the personal care bundle.. I got Jet, Set, Go in both the laundry bundle and the personal care bundle….  THANK GOD I got them when I did..  ALL three scents in the Laundry bundle SOLD OUT… I’m talking like, in DAYS!  CRAZY!!!!!  You can still get all three scents in the Personal Care Bundles… I love the Laundry bundle, but I am talking today about the Personal Care Bundle… OH.EM.GEE!  Y’all.. SERIOUSLY. I HIGHLY recommend you get this bundle. NOW! Let me give you the Scentsy Description of the scent Jet, Set, Go…  Okay, this is what Scentsy says…  Jet off to a balmy tropical paradise of Brazilian orange, jungle papaya, and island vanilla.

Doesn’t that sound HEAVENLY!?  Well, it is… It is THE Best Scent I have EVER smelled… EVER! LOL! I bought Jude a Scent Pak for one of his buddies, I warm it all the time.. THEN They come out with the bundles…  The Personal Care Bundle is $33 plus tax and possibly shipping.. In this bundle you get… Hand Lotion, Hand Soap, Shower Gel, and Body Spray.  THIS IS A GREAT DEAL! You MUST take Advantage of this deal ASAP! This is ONLY available WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!  You can order it right HERE 



Second thing I am LOVING right now… My concealer!  I read it on another blog recently…. A-MAY-ZING.  I have pretty bad under eye  circles/bags..  THIS THING WORKS BIG TIME!!!!!!  The first day I wore it was Monday, and I got a LOT of compliments on my make up that day! 🙂 YAY!  I bought mine at CVS, but you can basically buy it anywhere!! It was about $9.99



Third is something I didn’t expect to love as much as I do!!! It’s the Mary Kay Eye Shadow Crease brush!!! OMG! I bought it from my WONDERFUL friend, Heather Womack.. That lady is a SUPER STAR… If you don’t know her.. YOU SHOULD!  If you need a Mary Kay Consultant, she’s your lady.. You can shop from her website HERE    This brush works in the crease PERFECTLY!  I used the same shadows I’ve been using, but they were blended SO much better and the look just came together! 🙂  Weird to those that may not wear much make up, or use different tools, but this one ROCKS! Only $10!


There are lots of other products I am LOVING, but I’ll stop with these! 🙂

What are some of YOUR favorite things right now!?


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Hey Hey  guys! What’s going on???  I am just laying here watching “The Backyardigans” with Jude while he brushes his teeth.. LOL! This is, AFTER I REALLY Brushed them! LOL!!!!!!!

Did you guys have a wonderful Friday???  Mine was pretty good. It was BUSY!! I wasn’t sure if I’d get it all done today, but I did!!! That’s how I roll! LOL!!!!

Man is it HOTTTTTT out there! Today it reached 100 degrees for the first time in 2013.  My car AC doesn’t work and I drove my car this morning, but this afternoon I took my Mom’s. I would have died out there today! Working in the heat is bad enough. But having to drive in it, in black pants, with no AC is pure hell!!!!!!! Thank goodness my Mom lets me take her car when the need arises! Yesterday morning I took my sisters car for a couple hours. WHEW! I have a GREAT family, always ready to help out!!! Very, Very thankful for that!!!!! It’s supposed to be 100 tomorrow too.. Where did Spring go!??!? It went from snowing to 100 degree weather. RIDICULOUS! Too bad we didn’t get the 60-70 degree weather! LOL!!! Oh well! It’s 10pm right now and it’s still 90 degrees!!!!!! Just crazy!!!

Jude had a great day playing outside all day. When I got off work, it was outside for me and Jude. LOL! We played outside off and on this evening.  He’d get in his pool, then play with the lawn mower, then chase a butterfly, then clap at wasps. LOL!!!!!  He is Crazy!!!!!!


In my last post, I was talking about how our family has had a few needs and Jesus was meeting them.  I get discouraged with things aren’t done IMMEDIATELY! Especially when it’s a major need, ya know? I am sure I am not the only one who does this. LOL! Well, it seems like all week long, there have been little bits of encouragement.  KLOVE has a Verse of the Day.. One day it was Phillipians 4:19 “And My God Will meet all your needs, according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus”. And then yesterday their verse was Psalm 84:11  ” The Lord will with hold no good thing from those who do what is right”.  But the one that really helped was from Tuesday… It’s AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Check this verse out……

Psalm 138:3  “As soon as I pray, you answer me. You encourage me by giving me strength”!!!!!! HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!?!?!??! AND the last one….. This one ROCKS….. Ephesians 3:20…… ” I Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”.. I KNOW that God is in the process of answering my prayers… I know He is.  Hearing those verses were SO encouraging! LOVE IT!!!!!

So, if you have a need, something that seems so out of reach, maybe these verses will help you too! 🙂

ANYWAYS!  It’s midning, I am going to finish watching FRIENDS and hit the sack! I hope y’all have a FABULOUS night!!!! 🙂 Have a GREAT weekend!!!!!!!!!!!


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Prayer and New Music!

There is a fairly new song on KLOVE that I have just been LOVING lately!! At first, I didn’t really pay much attention when it was on.  But it’s SO catchy and the lyrics are AWESOME!  It’s a GREAT song! It’s called “Starts With Me” by Tim Timmons.. Who is this guy anyways?! LOL! I’ve never heard of him! He has a great, unique voice… LOVE THE SONG!!! Watch the Youtube video…….. Lyrics are in the video.


If you don’t love this song after hearing it, YOU ARE CRAZY! LOL!

I am SO glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!! WHEW! I am ready for a day off! This week has been CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I’m going non stop every day!  It’s good to be busy though, I guess.. Job Security! 🙂

Last night Jude spent the night at a my sisters house. His idea. LOL! He had a BLAST! And I did too…. Y’all know me.. MAJOR PARTY ANIMAL these days. So I went to Target (my favorite place on Earth), then I came home and talked to my parents and sister for awhile, and THEN I watched Dr Phil. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Big time party over here.  I was talking to my cousin in Tennessee and told her I was watching Dr Phil, and she said “WHOA! Slow down over there! The night is still young!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! 😀


I slept well last night. That was nice. 🙂 I actually got to wake up and put my make up on… 🙂  That’s exciting! LOL!  My sister said that Jude woke up at 7am. He NEVER wakes up that early at home. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

This weekend I don’t have any plans, that I can think of… LOL! I HOPE there’s not something I am forgetting! EEEEEEK! I am hoping that Jude will want to sleep in some Saturday morning, and then we’ll probably play outside in the water. LOL! It’s been SO stinkin’ hot this week…. Supposed to 100 degrees tomorrow and Saturday…  I am guessing we’ll be outside all weekend long! 🙂

Anyways…. I guess that’s it… Not a whole lot going on.. EXCEPT, The Lord is AMAZING!  He is answering prayers left and right. I have one prayer that Jude and I pray every single day… I could use YOUR prayers as well! I’m not going to say the need on here, because some people don’t need to know all my business, but you guys that pray, PLEASE pray! LOL! 🙂

I hope y’all have a WONDERFUL Friday!!!!!!!!!!!