Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Scentsy, St. Louis, Train, and MORE!

Hey Everyone!!!   Well, this post is long over due! But I’m freaking busy! LOL!!  Going out of town is GREAT, but coming back to work is HARD and ALMOST not worth it!  I’m still not 100% caught up! It’s CRAZY!

Before I get to the trip, I HAVE to tell you about the BIGGEST SALE EVER!  Grace Adele is discontinuing, so they’ve marked everything down to 80% off… These prices are seriously RIDICULOUS!!!  Bags for as low as $16, clutches for $8, wallets for $7…  CRAZY!!!!!!!  You need to get over to the website and check it out!  Click here… SALE Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on these deals!!!!!!  I LOVE the Grace Adele bags and clutches I have now..  They are BEAUTIFUL and great quality!  I always get compliments on my purses!!!! Wednesday they are bringing out what was supposed to be for FALL/WINTER….. And let me tell you… IT IS ALL BEAUTIFUL!  This stuff won’t be 80% off, but it WILL Be 50% off!!!  So there are some GREAT deals!

ANYWAYS… Let’s get on to the GOOD STUFF!!! 🙂

So I earned an incentive trip for one.. I was given the choice between the Bahamas and Scentsy Family Reunion… Well, I KNEW I didn’t want to miss out on SFR this year because it was the 10 year reunion, and I’d heard it was going to be H U G E!  Last year I spent over $1,000 on SFR with flight, hotel, food, etc.. SO, this year I got it all for F R E E!!!!!!!!!  You honestly can’t beat that!  Scentsy booked my travel and hotel room and everything PLUS put money on my Scentsy card to cover baggage fees and all food! HELLO!!!!!!!!  You just can’t beat that, can ya!?

So July 8th I flew out of Lubbock and headed to St. Louis Missouri! When we got there, there was a table set up for all incentive earners to schedule a shuttle… So I added my name to the list… Waited maybe 10 minutes and a huge bus showed up and took us to our hotels… Some of us were at Lumiere Hotel & Casino, and a few others were at the Four Seasons, but they were connected so that’s good..



We got to the hotel, checked in, and got ready, then headed over to the convention center to check in and get our lanyards and FREEBIES! 🙂  Incentive earners got a bag, a shirt, a pen and book, and Scentsy Clean LAundry stuff! WE ARE SO SPOILED! 🙂 🙂 Then we went in and talked to everyone, hung out, then it was time to have our opening ceremonies with Heidi & Orville, and SARA BARELLIS!!!!!  AAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!! It was SO awesome!  She is GREAT in concert! We were on the fourth row!!!  It was so great! 🙂 🙂  My director and some friends actually got to meet her later that night!!! HOW FUN IS THAT?!


20140708_184524 This is my sponsor! 🙂 🙂

20140708_190349This is Heidi & Orville Thompson! They are AWESOME!!!!!!





So the next day was the 5K which I DID NOT Participate in! HAHA! I slept in, which was WONDERFUL! My bed was SUPER comfy!  All the Incentive Earners had lunch at the FOUR SEASONS with Heidi & Orville and all of the AUSTRALIAN earners!  It was a WONDERFUL lunch!  Salad, several kinds of bread, veggies, potatoes, parmesean crusted chicken, steak… It was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!





Lunch was wonderful, the company was wonderful.. It was awesome! 🙂 🙂  After that I believe I went to the Scentsy store to shop.. I can’t remember. LOL! 🙂  But then we went back to our hotel rooms to get ready for the TRUE opening ceremonies!!!!! IT.WAS.AWESOME! 🙂 But to get in… the line was RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!


What do you do when you wait in line?!  TAKE SELFIES OF COURSE! DUH! 🙂

This is me, my sponsor and my roomie.. She’s from New York! 🙂



We finally made it in! WHEW!!!!!!!  We’d texted our director while in line & said to be sure to save seats for us, because they always get the best seats, and I wanted to be UP CLOSE & PERSONAL for what was to come… Not only was it opening ceremonies for EVERYONE….. BUT, it was also a concert.. With one of my FAVORITE bands…. T R A I N! AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! I ABSOLUTELY Love them and I was dying to get up close!  So.. Sure enough, we were on the SECOND ROW! EEEEEK! Man, I was STOKED!


Heidi and Orville talked about all the GREAT new products coming out in September.. That was a BLAST, of course, PLUS they passed out mini testers of the new scents! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!  We FREAKED OUT about that! LOL! 🙂  I would have taken pics of it, but I was saving my battery for the concert! HAHA!   THEN… The lights went out…. And we saw just a light, and a train whistle… I thought I was gonna die. HAHA!!20140709_204000

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THEN…..  Pat came out into the crowd……  Said get your cell phones ready and we’d take some selfies.. UMMMMM WHAT?!??!?  Well there was a crowd right at the stage.. I told my sponsor there was NO way I’d be able to get up there… She said to try and go for it.. SO I DID!!!!!!!!  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Check this out….


It’s CRAZY blurry because he actually TOOK the phone from me and took it kind of as he was walking! BUT THERE IT IS! And you can tell it’s him! 🙂 I was in LA LA Land after that! HAHA! I told Traci no way would she be able to pull me down to Earth! LOL!  Seriously! 🙂 It was amazing! I am sure all of y’all are freaking out. HAHA! 🙂  I was! He’s so cute!!!! Too bad he’s married! HA! 🙂  I say that like I had a chance with him or something! HAHA!


Anyways! 🙂 🙂

So Thursday morning started with Heidi’s keynote speech… And if you’ve ever heard her talk, you’ve been inspired.. I can guarantee that! SHE IS SO AWESOME!!! THEN… They bring out a guest speaker.  Someone I’ve never heard of.. John O’Leary.. OMG! This man is an AMAZING MAN!  If you haven’t heard his story, PLEASE watch a video! Go to Youtube! HE IS AWESOME!  He’s been through more than most people will EVER go through, and his story is SO Awesome, and he’s SO incredibly motivating!   I was VERY blessed by his story!!!

The rest of the day, we had BREAK OUT SESSIONS…..  They got consultants to lead sessions learning about certain topics! I think I did four that day…..  Some of them were REALLY good, and I learned a lot!!!!!!  That night…….. AMAZING!!  We got “room drops” which is where the Incentive earners get a gift in their room every day… Wednesday it was St Louis Baseball hats, peanuts, and crackerjacks for the game they were taking us to on Thursday night! EEEEEEEEEEEEEK


Now, I normally don’t wear hats….  I look like a dude in a hat. LOL! BUT.. This was a trip! Going to a GAME! I HAD TO!  I also bought a shirt earlier that day! 🙂



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SO AWESOME to actually go to a MLB game!  It was awesome, and the park was GINORMOUS! We stayed until about the 5th inning, then Traci and I left and went to get some dinner.  We ate dinner and played at the Casino. HAHA! 🙂  We had a BLAST!!!!  We didn’t end up winning.. We just played slots, and every time we won, we just kept playing, but boy was it FUN!!!! 🙂 🙂

Friday was the last day…  We had consultants speak, and of course, Orville’s Keynote speech… If you think Heidi is inspiring, man you should hear Orville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HE.WAS.AWESOME!!! It was a wonderful day!!!  Then… That night…. It was the closing sessions and award ceremonies.. It was a lot of fun!



After the awards was our guest for the evening……..  COMEDIAN JIM GAFFIGAN! AUGH!  That man is HYSTERICAL!  🙂  And he’s CLEAN! AHHH!! I laughed so hard!!!

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If you haven’t heard any of his stuff, PLEASE Do!  Go to Netflix, or YouTube.. He is GOOD!!!! 🙂 🙂

After his deal, Heidi And Orville came back out and announced our 2015 Incentive trips!!!!!!!!!!  WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Okay, so……. One trip is a CARIBBEAN CRUISE!! AUGH! We will be leaving from & arriving to Puerto Rico!!! AUGH!!!!  Does that sound AMAZING OR WHAT!???!

The other one is to Scentsy Family Reunion again….. THIS YEAR IT IS TO………………… LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!  Is that FUN or what!??!?!


I am RIDICULOUSLY excited about this incentive period! I WILL EARN THIS YEAR!  Who knows?!  Maybe I’ll earn for TWO! 🙂 🙂 COME WITH ME!!!  LET’S EARN IT TOGETHER! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!

So after all the closing stuff, we had a DANCE PARTY!!!!!!  We had DJ Ravi Drums and he was a BLAST!!!!!!


We also just walked around, talked to people, all that jazz!




This is me and Chuck Thompson.. He’s Orville’s brother AND he’s the CEO of Scentsy! 🙂

This one is me and Joal Curtis.. the C.O.O


Two REALLY awesome men! 🙂

Afterward, we went to eat… Traci and I ate at the Hotel Casino Bar, Stadium and our new Aussie friends showed up, so we had a GREAT time! 🙂


Saturday was leaving day… UNFORTUNATELY, the didn’t have me leaving until 635pm! AUGH!  There was nothing to do! So… Traci left at 12:30 so I hung out at the hotel, played slots in the casino, and read until I could take a shuttle to the airport! 🙂


This trip was AMAZING and life changing! EVERYONE in the world needs to join Scentsy and go to SFR! LOL! 🙂 It was just so awesome! I had a WONDERFUL time and learned so much!  Came home ready to ROCK it, and guess what???  I HAVE!  It’s been so great!!!!  Come join my team! Click here to JOIN

So, I hope y’all have LOVED this post! 🙂 I’ve loved it! It was great fun and I love sharing what I did with the WORLD!! HEHE!


That’s all I have for right now! I hope y’all are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







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A Glimpse….

HELLLLLLOOOOOOO Everyone!!!!!!  How are y’all doing?!  Things here are FABULOUS!!!!  I have SO much to discuss with y’all it’s unreal! 🙂 I had an incredible week in St. Louis with about 8,000 other Scentsy Family members!! HAHA! 🙂  It was amazing.. Sometimes, indescribable! I absolutely do not have time to go over it all tonight.. I need to get pictures together and all that….. I will tell y’all, GET READY! I will have a billion pictures for y’all.. 🙂  So.. .I’ll just leave y’all a few pictures to tide y’all over.. HEHEHE!!!

I was on the shuttle here riding to the hotel.. ST LOUIS GATEWAY ARCH! BOOM! 🙂



This is a view of the Arch from the 6th floor of the FOUR SEASONS HOTEL! 🙂


This is the SCENTSY STAGE on the first night!


I have hundreds of photos on my phone.. I’ll get them in order and I’ll be back in the next day or two! 🙂 I will tell y’all that Scentsy is AMAZING!  They did it up BIG this year! I absolutely LOVE Heidi & Orville! They are some AMAZING people who have a TRUE Love for what they do, and for the people! They have BIG hearts and put their heart into EVERYTHING they do! I am so proud to be a part of the SCENTSY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!  I would ABSOLUTELY love to have you join me in this incredible journey! JOIN MY TEAM!  Let’s go on the next Incentive trip together!

Interested?!  Go to my website & check it out, contact me! We’ll get it all worked out and I’ll help you get on the right track!




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Chubby, white, and Old

HEHEHEHEHE! Like my title!? 🙂

What’s going on? I am laying in bed snap chatting my niece, and watching FRIENDS! 🙂  Pretty nice night, if I do say so myself!

So… Y’all know I am a complete nerd… That’s been established AGES ago.. 🙂  But I bought some Foaming Sunless Tanner from a friend who sells RODAN & FIELDS..  I’ve had it for a couple weeks now, but I’ve been too scared to use it. LOL!!!!!  The last time I used a sunless tanner, I was in 9th or 10th grade, my best friend and I were at her house getting ready for a Teen LOCK IN at church that night….  We put it on.. Didn’t wash our hands… And did a terrible job everywhere else… LOL!  We went to this lock in a couple of ridiculous looking, streaky, orangey girls. LOL! 🙂  It was hilarious, but I’m not convinced I just SUCK at this stuff… HA!  SO… I’ve been watching YouTube videos of people applying sunless tanner. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!  You can watch how to videos for ANYTHING!   So, I took a shower, shaved, and exfoliated, and applied this tanner….  It said it should start to develop in 2-4 hours.. So we’ll see. I only did my legs because I didn’t want to screw up everything…  We’ll see how it looks in the morning.. HEHE!

I bought my first pair of shorts since 2009….  I remember back then, the shorter the shorts, the better.  I was RIDICULOUSLY skinny, and always tan.  Now… I am not skinny, and NOT tan at all. HAHAHAHAHAHHA! And I bought Bermuda shorts. LMBO! Man am I old! But really, I am way too old to be wearing little bitty shorts! I’ll be 35 this year! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! 🙂 This is what I got… From Old Navy

bermuda shorts

Speaking of old, I am feeling ridiculously old! I’ve been seeing teens saying “Turnt Up” a lot…. I had no clue what that meant.. I had to look it up! HAHAHAHAH! Is that sad or what?  I am so out of the loop!  I can tell you all about dinos though. HA! 🙂


I have to do a SCENTSY plug….  I am warming the BEST Mix EVER… Literally.  EVER!!!  This is what I am currently warming…


OH.EM.GEE! This is amazing.  Seriously! I knew it would be good because I LOVE both scents, but I had no idea it would be THIS good! AHHHHHHHHH!  My bedroom smells AWESOME!  YOU NEED THIS! Order here… https://sherilync.scentsy.us

Well, it’s almost midnight and I have to get up SUPER early for work!  I hope y’all have a fabulous night…

And I’ll keep y’all posted on the sunless tanner.  HAHAHAHA! I am SCARED of what it might look like tomorrow! 😉



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I Work Out…

Hey Hey guys! What’s going on out there?? I am sitting in bed with Jude watching FINDING NEMO! 🙂  We haven’t watched this movie in MONTHS because he’s so obsessed with Dinos and Peppa! HA! 🙂 I just turned it on and at first he said no, then started watching and now he’s hooked again! If I had to watch one more episode of Peppa, I was going to SCREAM! 🙂

Did y’all have a Good week???  Man I know I did!! Work was good! Busy, but good! I got a new camera, and that’s ALWAYS exciting!!!!! I LOVE my new camera! It makes SUCH A big difference!

Monday night we had our office AWARDS BANQUET. It was fun, as usual!  Here’s a pic of my little sister and I…


Check out what a difference a year makes..  here’s me last year with my date.. 🙂  We were supposed to be dates again this year, but didn’t get to sit together. Sad day! LOL! 🙂 Oh well!  It was Still a blast!


I had shorter hair and was skinnier then.. So sad! LOL!

Speaking of skinnier..  Yesterday I worked out for the first time in…. YEARS!! Seriously! The last time I worked out, I was married.. And pulled an arm muscle using an ab machine. Bahahahahahahahaha!!! 🙂 But I finally went and that’s important! HA! So I got up, went to D’s house, we read a devotion together, set some goals, and went to the gym.  Luckily, D has a sense of humor, and is patient. HA! I am a HOT MESS, that’s for sure! Started out using the eliptical wrong, then was throwing a weighted ball while he did sit ups and was a little out of control.. Poor D. I am going to guess he won’t want to go with me next time. Bahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahha! He was a sport, and we had a lot of fun! I did over a mile on the eliptical, which may not be anything to most people, but to me….. Trust me when I say it’s a HUGE, HUGE deal! 🙂   Anyways… I got home and jumped in the shower, and I was so excited.. LOL! I bought some new products the other day and I was SUPER stoked to get to use one…..  I used LUSH WHOOSH SHOWER JELLY! WOWZERS! That stuff is FUN! 🙂

whoosh Whoosh2

This stuff ROCKS! Seriously!!! The instructions say you can chill it, freeze it, or use as is… Luckily, I’d just got it in the day before, and it was in my car… Where it was FREEZING over night.  So it was nice and cold!  AUGH! I know I’ll never use it warm… It felt good! And it’s jello like…. It says on the container to “rub our wobbly bits over your wobbly bits” BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Too funny! Anyways… This stuff woke me up, made me feel engergized, and my skin felt SOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is the description online…. Looking for the drive to help you take on the world? Let Whoosh shower jelly sort out your cloudy, sleepy, head and give you a boost to wake you up. Our triple-citrus wobbly wash gets you squeaky clean with its invigorating and energizing blend of fresh lemon, lime, and grapefruit juices. And just in case your mental faculty is really struggling, we’ve thrown in revitalizing rosemary and balancing geranium to kick-start your senses even more. What are you waiting for? Rise and shine and get in the shower – the world is yours and the day awaits! 

I bought two other items, a Bubble Bar, and a Bath Bomb.. EEEEK! Can’t wait to use them.. I’ll review those once I use them!!!  I wish we had a store here in town… Closest ones are like Dallas, Austin, San Antonio….  I’m going to FT Worth in a few weeks.. Maybe I need to drop by Dallas Galleria… LOL! 🙂  AUGH!  For now, I guess I’ll have to settle for shopping online. BOOOOO!! If you want to check it out too, just click HERE! 

Anyways! Back to working out… I need to get a routine down….  And I need to go.. A LOT! LOL! What I really need is a trainer! Back in like 2004, I had a trainer who helped me the first couple of times.. Helped a lot.  I just REALLY don’t want to shell out the money for one. BLECH!  I also need to learn to eat better. I have an addiction to french fries and burritos. LOL!!!! It’s awful! So when I try to eat better, I just don’t eat at all until supper! That’s even worse! BLAH!!!! So if any of y’all have any tips, please feel free to share with me! 🙂

I do have to say, yesterday I felt awesome all day! The devotion and work out  was such a GREAT start to the day!  It’s sad to say I don’t usually start my day with a devotion.  I usually sleep until the absolute latest moment possible then scramble to get ready and go to work… But waking up at 5:15 and working out, then getting a GREAT shower in and working… It was just GREAT!!! And, last night, I was so exhausted, I was asleep before 11! One minute I’m watching motivational videos and texting D, then the next, I’m sawing logs. LOL!!!!!!!  Jude and I woke up at 8am and then today, we’ve been LAZY!!!! LOL!!! He’s had a snotty nose for several days, and now has a nasty cough.  So we got lunch and have been L.A.Z.Y! Oh well!!!!!!!


Now, I need to do my SCENTSY PLUG!! 🙂  Just a few more days to get your BBMB Scents!! These are gone after this month! So hurry and order!!!!  You can contact me directly, or just order online!  https://sherilync.scentsy.us Place your order under my Open Party! I still need some help getting to my monthly goal!  You can order a six pack of bars.. It’s actually buy 5 get one FREE! So 6 for $25! GREAT DEAL! GET SOME! 🙂


You can also join my team and get GREAT DEALS!!! If you join in January you get FREE Shipping on your Kit… And if you hit SHOOTING STAR, you get $300 in products for F.R.E.E!!!!  You can not beat that! It’s such a GREAT deal!!!!! I’m jealous! I want the Shooting Star kit for FREE!!!! SO AWESOME!!! Join my team today! Don’t wait another minute! You WILL NOT regret it!

Well… I guess I’ve been rambling long enough! 🙂  I hope y’all enjoyed reading this!!!! PLEASE let me know any work out and eating tips you’ve got!

Much Love,



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Sorry I’m So Boring! :)

Hey Guys!  What’s going on?  I am just sitting here watching a Hallmark Christmas Movie!!!  I am watching “A Very Merry Mix-Up”! So far, it’s pretty cheesy…  But isn’t that the point?! LOL!! I watched “Snow Bride” earlier, and I really liked that one!

Anyways!  Did y’all have a good weekend?!  I did!!  Spent a lot of time with Jude.  Friday night our church had the annual Women’s Pajama Party.  I NEVER miss it, but this year I chose to just stay home with Jude. We grabbed dinner, ran some errands, and went to the East side to pick up my HUGE Scentsy order from the UPS Center. 🙂  Saturday, Jude and I woke up and went to get Donuts, delivered some Scentsy, and just hung out at home all day long!! We were pretty lazy!!!! 🙂 Today we went to church, then lunch with the family, and that’s it! LAZY, LAZY, LAZY! LOL! My niece stayed with us for a few hours too, so we played outside, painted, colored pictures, etc.   So all in all, a pretty NON productive weekend, but got to spend it with my family and that’s pretty awesome to me!

I’m so excited for CHRISTMAS!!! 🙂  I’ve already started shopping!!!!  I have several items bought already, several coming in this week! EEEEEEK!  I really wanna wrap what I DO have! HAHA! I just might do it this week. Now we just need to put up the TREE!!





I keep trying to make out a Christmas list for myself, but I just can’t decide that I need/want anything! LOL!!! Isn’t that crazy?  If there’s anything I really want, I usually just buy it for myself! HAHA!  My family definitely knows they can’t go wrong with make up or perfumes… 🙂  Those are ALWAYS good.  Or Money and gift cards! But other than that, I REALLY can’t think of anything! SIGH! Oh well!

So my Scentsy is going REALLY well!!!!  I added a new team member to VELATA Thursday, I have a woman joining Saturday to join Grace Adele, and another friend joining tomorrow to sell Scentsy!!!!!!! I AM SO LOVING THIS COMPANY!  I have never in my life had so much fun “working” before!  It’s not like work at all…  You most definitely have to work it if you want to see results, but it’s FUN work!  I love meeting new people and supporting all the people on our team and EVERYTHING!  It’s just SUCH A blast!  I also got my BIGGEST Scentsy paycheck to date this week! AUGH! 🙂  It’s definitely helping me do some things that needed to get done! It will be gone probably by tomorrow, but HEY!  At least I’m getting stuff done! LOL!!!!!!! This weekend I have a Christmas Extravaganza, and then that night I have a  PARTY! December I have two events already… It’s going to be BUSY!  But I know it’s going to be AMAZING! 🙂  My BIG goal is to hit Director by December 31st! Who thinks I can do it??? 🙂  I SERIOUSLY have the BEST team ever, so I KNOW we can do it! 🙂

Grace Adele ROCKS and right now it’s ROCKIN even more! They’re doing a 12 Days Of Giving sale… EVERY day except Saturdays, they have MAJOR products at a MAJOR sale price!  So far, tomorrow is my favorite! If you look at my website it won’t reflect the prices until midnight PST.   But man! There’s some GREAT stuff on sale tomorrow!! EEEEEEK! Go to my website and click on the 12 Days Of Giving Sale.. It shows each day what we have going on! 🙂 Click HERE to check it ALL out!





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Hey Hey guys! What’s going on?  I am just sitting here watching Drop Dead Diva! Jude is asleep and boy am I glad! LOL! It’s been a rough two days around here!  Yesterday morning about 430, I woke up to Jude coughing an AWFUL, croupy cough, and he was BURNING UP!!!  It was awful! So we woke up Saturday morning around 8:30 and he was STILL hot and his cough was just nasty! 😦  We spent most of yesterday in bed.. Only getting up to go to the bathroom, or get a popsicle.  My poor baby! We watched Toy Story 2 three times, along with Backyardigans and Blues Clues episodes.. ALL.DAY. LOL! He slept pretty good last night, and then we woke up today and basically laid around all morning.  Watched more tv. I got dinner started.. He actually ate some, then it was back in bed. He napped and then more laying around… He is definitely better, but still puny. BLAH! I absolutely HATE it when he’s sick!  There’s just not a whole lot you can do and it’s awful!  I am hoping he’ll sleep good tonight and wake up tomorrow TONS better!!!!  Please pray for restful sleep for BOTH of us! 🙂  Ya know, before you have children, no one really tells you the emotions you’re going to feel… No one tells me the sheer terror you feel when you hear that croupy cough & breathing… Or the fear you feel when they’re throwing up and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. AUGH!!!!!! Yesterday, we were alone most of the day, which is always fun.. But he got choked up on mucus and started gagging and throwing up… THEN his breathing sounded AWFUL! I was Absolutely SCARED TO DEATH! LOL! Call me a baby, but I was scared.  I just held him and we prayed out loud for Jesus to help him. AUGH! I HATE IT!!!!!! I am SO ready for him to be TOTALLY better!!!!!

So… TOMORROW is the FINAL Monster Monday sale with Scentsy/Grace Adele and let me tell you IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s a few pictures of what’s going on sale…  You can actually check out exactly what’s on sale now, but the prices won’t reflect the sale price until 12AM PST! 🙂  https://sherilync.scentsy.us/Scentsy/Buy/Category/1225









You REALLY, REALLY, REALLY should check it out! 🙂  You could get ALL of your Christmas shopping DONE between those two sites! 🙂 The sales are being advertised as “sales so big, they’re scary” and it’s completely true!


If you choose to order from either site, please choose one of my open parties! 🙂  And if I may suggest.. On SCENTSY, PLEASE order under my Party– Aida’s Fundraiser!!!! I am REALLY trying to help out some friends of mine!  My friend Kristi has twin daughters who are Five. One of them, Aida, was just diagnosed with ALL Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 😦  Poor baby is so young! Kristi has quit her job so she can stay home with Aida throughout her treatment plan so they are down to one income! I am holding this SCENTSY Fundraiser hoping to help them out!!!!!! 100% of my commission for this party will go straight to them in their GoFundMe account.   PLEASE check it out and place your order!!! We would all be incredibly grateful!


I guess that is it for now!!!! I hope y’all have a WONDERFUL Monday!!!! Don’t forget… SHOP! 🙂




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Monster Monday-Tuesday

HEY HEY Guys! GET ONLINE NOW! Check out my MONSTER MONDAY SALE!!!!! It’s HUGE! There are so many GREAT Deals, you simply can’t afford to miss out on this!!! Both Grace Adele & Scentsy have some AMAZING deals!  Up to 75% off in Scentsy and up to 60% off in Grace ADele!!!!!!!!  HURRY!!!! Scentsy is amazing and they’re trying to accommodate ALL the crazy traffic our websites are getting today! So guess what?! They’ve EXTENDED IT!!!!!! YAY!!! You can shop today AND tomorrow! WOOT WOOT! 🙂

Patch This little guy is only $5!!!!!!!! EEEK! Get your Scent Pak Separately! 🙂

Hampton A WARMER FOR ONLY $7.50!?!? YES PLEASE! 🙂  There are several warmers at this price!

keywest This is a BRAND NEW PLUG IN! Just came out last month… It’s only $10! HELLO! HURRY!


These deals are CRAZY!!!!

In Grace Adele, some of our GENUINE LEATHER BAGS are CHEAP CHEAP! They’re normally $200 but RIGHT NOW you can get the LAney or Bella for only $80! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Order yours TODAY!!!!!!!!!!






I LOVE This bag… THE BLACK SARAH!!!!! It’s normally $80, but right now it’s yours for only $32! EEEEEEEK! This is SUCH A great deal I wanna SCREAM! 🙂  This would be A GREAT Diaper Bag!!!



hurry and order yours ASAP!!!!






You guys can’t afford to miss this!!!!! These deals are AMAZING! 🙂  Do your Christmas shopping RIGHT NOW!

I have MONSTER MONDAY SALE parties open on BOTH websites! Please order under those! 🙂






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Hey guys! What’s going on?? I am watching tv and being a bum. 🙂 That’s always fun, right?

Can you believe it’s FINALLY FALL!?!?!?!?!  I can’t! 🙂  It seems like EVERY year, I get more and more excited about Fall!  You can tell it’s Fall because the mornings are cooler! It’s AWESOME! It’s been in the 70’s and 80’s lately.. except today, it’s 90! LOL! You can also tell it’s Fall because Scentsy is coming out with AMAZING Fall scents, and warmers!  The October Scent of the month is CIDER MILL… I.LOVE.IT. Seriously goodness!!!!! Read this description….  Come in from the cold and wrap your hands around a mug of steaming apple cider. Cider Mill brings together fresh apples, crushed pumpkin, and simmering spices for a cozy autumn treat. Does that sound like Fall or what?! It’s AMAZING!  If you’d like a sample, feel free to comment and let me know! 🙂

Even better than the scent, is the Warmer of the month… OH.MY.GOSH…. EVERYONE who has seen this so far, has LOVED It! I’ve got two sold so far and it’s not even available until Tuesday.


SERIOUSLY!  Is that Adorable or what?!?!?!   If you love Fall, and you love to decorate for Fall, this is MOST DEFINITELY the Warmer for you! AUGH!   I just love him so much! LOL!

Some of my other favorite Fall Scents are Honey Pear Cider, Snowberry, Cinnamon Bear, Autumn Sunset, and Mandarin Moon!! They are just delicious!  Need to place an order?  PLEASE Do! Just order HERE

Another way I know Fall is here?  THE SOUTH PLAINS FAIR IS HERE!!! WAAAAHHHHOOOOOO! I am SO Excited!!! Our entire family goes together EVERY year!  We pick one day, all take off work, and go spend the day! 🙂  It’s SO much fun, and I can’t wait to go!  Fair Food is the Best!!!!! 🙂  We all love the Strawberry Lemonade! It’s got WAY too much sugar in it, but it’s delicious! I also love fried pickles, funnel Cake, corn dogs, cotton candy… WHEW! It’s going to ROCK!


I’ve been watching A LOT of “Finding Nemo” lately! LOL!  I always said this is one movie I’d never let Jude watch.. Because it annoyed the crap outta me.. It could POSSIBLY be because I’ve had people say Dory reminds them of me. LOL!  HMPH! But.. IT’s really not a bad movie.. Actually pretty funny and cute.  Jude LOVES it now! We watch it ALL the time.. HE loves “Emo”. HAHAHA!


We’ve been having REVIVAL at our church the past few days, and it’s REALLY good!!!!! Tonight is the last night, and I am actually pretty sad about it!  It’s great to get the Word DURING the week too, instead of just Sundays!

Today at work I was making packets in the supply closet because I was slow with my other work.  I took my phone in there and played the Rend Collective Experiment CD, Campfire.  MAN!  I know I talked about them in the last post, but SERIOUSLY… THAT WHOLE CD IS AMAZING!  I am telling you what! I was having my own worship time in there!! Everyone else was at lunch and I was dancing and singing and praising Jesus! 🙂  I absolutely LOVE every single song on that album!  I need to hear more! Y’all need to go RIGHT now to iTunes and buy that Album…. N O W! You’ll thank me for it, I promise! Usually with most CD’s, there are a few songs I don’t like as much, but I can honestly say I LOVE every single song! Buy it, and then let me know what you think! 🙂



Well, I guess that’s about it for now! 🙂  I am going to get ready to head to Revival! Have a SUPER night!

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Long OverDue Post!

HEY HEY!  How’s everyone doing out there??? It’s been awhile since I updated!!!! I have A LOT going on lately!!!!

Scentsy has three brands.. One is called GRACE ADELE… It’s handbags, clutches, wallets, jewlery, etc.. You can make looks that fit your personality! I LOVE them!! So I just joined that brand and I’m SO EXCITED!!!! Y’all should check out what we do…. https://sherilync.graceadele.us You will LOVE it all, I promise!

MetallicAlex PurpleShelby ScarletCarly


How BEAUTIFUL are these bags?  Seriously!!! You can add clips, bag scarves, etc! LOVE THEM!! Please check them out! I have two open parties on my website, one is a party for my best friend, and the other is my LAUNCH PARTY.. So add your order to one of the parties!!! 🙂

Scentsy is going REALLY well!  I have a team total of 5 right now (including myself)!  We’re ALL doing good! The past two months have been GREAT!!!!!!!  🙂  The new catalog is just AMAZING and EVERYONE is loving it all! You can check it all out on my website…. https://sherilync.scentsy.us

Today I had a Scentsy DORM party in Abilene!!!!!!  It was at Abilene Christian University and it went SO well!!!!  Lots of girls came, my hostess collected some GREAT orders, and she still has more coming! I am excited for her! This will be a GREAT party!  She will get some AMAZING rewards too! 🙂

BIRDHJO Element warmers 1 MissionContinues Venetia


Get your orders in! 🙂  Help me out! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to promote to STAR CONSULTANT this month! EEEEEK! Who’s gonna help a sister out!??!? LOL! 🙂

We got Jude’s costume in today! 🙂  HE LOVES IT!  He’s BUZZ LIGHT YEAR! HAHA! He looks adorable.  He’s laying beside me right now watching tv before bed, and he’s wearing his costume.  He said he’s sleeping in it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Little booger.  I remember when my nephew was his age he wore ALL kinds of costumes, and he wore them day and night! 🙂  It was so cute! I am so glad Jude seems to be following in his footsteps. LOL! TOO CUTE!!!!

ANYWAYS.. All this to say, it’s been a really wonderful past few weeks! 🙂  I am looking forward to Fall, and all the stuff that’s coming my way! I’m busy with work, I have Scentsy events in December, some home parties, and more people to sign up to sell it! WOOT WOOT! I’ve made a new old friend, and we talk A LOT about Jesus.. It’s been great to have someone else to just talk about His goodness and mercy with… Learn about new music with, etc. We went and took pictures at the Mall and then got ice cream the other night.  It was nice to get out and have A LOT of fun.  We laughed and reminisced.  We used to know each other a long time ago and have since reconnected! It’s been fun!

Anyways!  I haven’t left y’all with Music in awhile… I’ve recently discovered a band that is JUST amazing! I am SERIOUS!  They’re called Rend Collective Experiment.. A-MAY-ZING! WOWZERS!  Check them out…  I bought their CD, CAMPFIRE this week and I listen to it ALL the time!!!!! SO GOOD!

This is my favorite….

They are AWESOME.. So fun and creative.. I need to see them in person!  THIS SONG ROCKS!! ALL of their songs REALLY speak to me! SO GOOD!

So, that’s it!!!

I hope y’all enjoyed this LONG OVERDUE post!!!!!!  Y’all are awesome!  LOVE YOU GUYS!!!








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First I have to say………..  WOW!!!!!  What a crazy past few weeks I’ve had!  My business is ROCKIN’ right now & I am having THE time of my life!  My sales are awesome, and I’ve had TWO friends sign up under me! BOOM!  To top that, one of them has already sold over $1,000 in her first FIFTEEN DAYS!  She got a promotion and got her SHOOTING STAR award! WOW!!  She was afraid it would be difficult.  That she wouldn’t make her goal.. She made it and exceeded it! 🙂  I LOVE it!  Today, another friend of mine joined, and she already has people ordering.. Right now EVERYONE on my team is “active”, except for my newest, but it won’t take her long!  I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

Sunday starts our Fall/Winter catalog, and I am telling you, there are some AMAZING things coming our way! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!  Wanna see a few sneak peeks?




That’s just a little sneak… There are SO many more amazing things in store! I can’t wait to start selling them!!!!!  BUT…

I AM NOT DONE WITH SPRING/SUMMER!!!!!!!  There are so many great warmers and scents that are being discontinued in TWO days!! AND, I am SO close to promoting it’s SICK!  So… If you want to stock up on AWESOME stuff for 10% off, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know! I’d love to help ya out!!!! I SO badly want to promote to STAR CONSULTANT, and being so close.. Well I just HAVE to do it! EEEEEEK! If I have to go door to door tomorrow, I most definitely will!!! AUGH!  So.. SPREAD THE WORD!  Tell your friends, family, enemies, I don’t care! Click HERE to get your Scentsy and do it BEFORE Sunday! LOL!!!   I am so loving this business, and loving my team, and my group, and everything!  If this is something you’d like to be a part of, PLEASE PLEASE let me know! JOIN MY TEAM!!!!!!! Click HERE to join!

Anyways! What have y’all been doing?  Anything exciting?  I’ve been working, taking care of Jude Dude, and selling my Scentsy… Pretty exciting, I know. 🙂  Yesterday I mowed the front & back lawns. WHEW! That was hard work. HAHA!  My back and shoulders hurt.  Am I a wimp or what?!? I love to do it though. Makes me feel empowered for some reason. LOL! Dumb, but true.

Anyways!!! I guess that’s it for tonight!!! I know I’ve been away for awhile, I’ve just been busy!  I’ll be back soon! Promise! 😉