Just a Bit About What I LOVE!

Everything from Scentsy, life, make up, perfume, and hair products!

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Hey there peeps! What’s going on?? I am currently watching THE PROPOSAL and eating Macaroni Salad. HEHE!

Don’t you hate Sunday nights??! KNOWING you have to wake up the next morning and start the week all over again?  I have a GREAT job, but I would still rather stay home. LOL! 😀 And I get a Three day weekend EVERY WEEK! I guess we’re never REALLY happy with what we have, are we? LOL!!!

Well this weekend was one for the books! Man Oh Man!!!!!!! Okay, let me start by saying… We got word Garth Brooks was coming to Lubbock. He hasn’t been here in like 25 years. I have loved Garth since I was a kid…. LOVED HIM! I remember in 6th grade, calling Rick Gilbert at KLLL 96.3 and requesting “Friends in Low Places” EVERY SINGLE WEEK DAY at Noon STRAIGHT UP for their request lunch hour. LOL!!! EVERY DAY. No lie! I recently got the chance to tell Rick that story. HEHE! 😀 Man I was a dork. But I freaking LOVED that song!!!!! I never in a million years would have dreamed I’d see Garth Live! So they announce he’s coming… Tickets are like $75 or so. I JOKINGLY posted on Facebook that I needed someone to take me to the concert! 😛 Well, one of my friends commented that they were getting tickets, and that I could go with them. I knew I HAD to get a ticket….. Well, tickets go on sale.. I text my friend and I asked ifthey got tickets, because I was going to try to get some money together to go…… She never replied! (JERK!) HAHA! THEN that night, a Scentsy Star Director I’ve met at Scentsy Family Reunion, texted me. It was a video… She told me in the video she’d messaged my friend and bought me a ticket! OMG!!!! I WAS GOING TO GARTH!!!  SAY WHAAA?!??!?!??!?! AAAUUUGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! I cried like a baby! Then Jude cried too, because he was happy for me, but sad he couldn’t go! HAHAHAHAHAH! 😀 I also received a message from my Super STar Director, who was also in on this! AND another director I don’t even know and I’ve never met! WHAT IN THE WORLD!??!? These ladies went in and helped me mark off an item on my bucket list! ALL beause they thought I deserved it! Y’all! These are not people I hang out with on a daily basis.. These are fellow #bossbabes Leaders in this awesome Wickless Candle Biz… Had I not ever joined this company, I’d never have met them! I am thankful EVERY SINGLE DAY for this company and my business!!!!!!!!!

Here’s some pictures of the concert! Garth puts on one heck of a show! And he did a total of 5 here since Thursday!

This is a shirt my friend made for me JUST in time for the concert!!! Is that cute or what?! And, I do have to say, my highlight was ON POINT! HAHA!



My pictures aren’t that great, but it was seriously THE most amazing concert EVER!!! He was so fun, and funny, and looks like he absolutely LOVES what he does!!!!!! If you ever get a chance, GO!!!! It was so much fun!!!! 😀 My friends I went with are so fun too!! Carrie and I laughed and yelled and sang! It was a freaking BLAST!!!!!

I’ve always LOVED music. I remember growing up loving music, always listening to music, ALWAYS. When I did homework, while I slept, while I skated down the street. Music has a way of bringing back memories, a lot like scent does! SO MANY SONGS bring back memories… Some good. Some bad. But music makes me cry more than anything else. First, I cried when he came out, just because… DUH! It’s Garth! AUGH! He’s a LEGEND! Then just some songs hit me and make me cry. I can’t help it. LOL! I get made fun of all the time for crying over ridiculous things. But, I don’t care. LOL! I’ll cry all day everyday, if I want to! 😛

Anyways! Can you believe it’s APRIL!???!! I mean, REALLY! Where does the time go!? April 2nd! CRAZY! My sister posted a meme today that said “It’s April.. Can I put my tree up yet?” HAHAHAHA! OF course I said YES! It’s ALWAYS a good time to put up the Christmas tree! HA! But also makes me realize, it will be Christmas before we know it! It’s gonna keep flying by! I am ready for SUMMER though! I LOVE Summer! I am ready for WARM WEATHER! We were having GREAT weather.. 70’s and 80’s.. Then the past few days, it’s been COLD and WET! Like 40’s and 50’s! What the heck!? LOL!!!!!

So Beauty and The Beast came out a few weeks ago…. I took my niece opening weekend. OH.EM.GEE!!!! BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! Have you seen it!? If not, you are missing out! GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! IT IS SO GOOD!!!!!!! My niece and I had so much fun!!! The movie is amazing… My niece put it best.. It was MESMERIZING! The colors and graphics and songs.. ALL SO MUCH FUN! I bought the soundtrack.. I love the new added songs.. It’s just THE BEST! I took my son the next week… I loved it, he did not.. And I may go see it a 3rd time. HAHA! It’s THAT Good to me!!!!! Beauty and the Beast was always my FAVORITE Disney movie and this did not disappoint at all!!!!!! GO SEE IT!

Anyways! I guess that’s about it for now! I hope y’all have a FABULOUS week!



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Multi tasking Diva

Hey there guys! How are y’all doing?!?! I hope y’all are doing Great and having a wonderful weekend!!!!

I am currently sitting here writing this and listening to the Scentsy Leadership call! I love being able to hear from leaders in Scentsy and home office staff! The call is during the day on Monday while I am at work,but they record them, so this way I get to listen whenever I want!  I LOVE IT!!!!!

Last Saturday I was at Movies 16 for WORLD PREMIERE!!!!!!!!! Scentsy changed things up this year and had a video that we ALL got to watch at the same time all across the globe! They rented out movie theaters! So here in Lubbock we had about 100 Scentsy Consultants come together and learn about Scentsy! SO.MUCH.FUN! I got to meet a few fellow Directors that I know from FB but have never met, and that was a blast! I didn’t have my team there, so I sat alone… But not.. I sat with other consultants I didn’t know, but got to know… We learned, laughed, and teared up together! 😉 SO.MUCH.FUN!


At World Premiere, we got to see the new catalog! We GOT the new catalog, a set of testers, an EXCLUSIVE Scentsy Bar (that can’t be bought)… It smells like Kettle Corn,and a gift certificate to buy supplies to get us ready for the Spring/Summer Catalog! AAAAAHHHHH! Every season I think “There’s NO way they can do better than this”… I felt like that with the Fall/Winter… But now… I’ve literally NEVER SEEN A CATALOG THIS GOOD! And the Scents… Oh my goodness! Y’all!!! If Y’all like citrusy, fruity, tropical, coconut type scents, then THESE will knock your socks off! AAAAHHHHH! SO stinkin’ good!!!!! I need one of each,please and thank you! LOL!!!!  I’ve already got a few parties booked! BOOM! HEY, also, I’ll be sending out catalogs here in the next week or two… Would you be interested in mail from me?! a catalog and perhaps a sample??! Fill out my form below!



So this week was a little weird for me…. Saturday went to World Premiere and got a RAGING headache….. It’s nothing new really for me to get headaches… I get them ALL the time.. But this one was so bad I thought I was going to throw up. I went to a new restaurant, WALK ONS, with some Fellow Scentsy Directors, but had to leave before we were seated because I felt SO awful!  So I went home and laid down until I had to leave again for a friends Retirement party….. went home and crashed. Sunday woke up with a sore throat! UGH! I was in bed Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday! Went back to work Wednesday and Thursday, then off for the weekend! So.. Short work week, but man oh man was I miserable! Jude did NOT like Mama being sick… I’m RARELY sick besides headaches and he didn’t like it! Luckily, I am getting better, but I am still snotty and sneezy. LOL! 😛


That’s what’s going on here! What is up with YOU??????????


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Happy New Year! 2017

WOW!!!! 2017! For reals?! SO CRAZY!!!!

What did y’all do for NYE? I stayed in with my son… We shopped, ate, watched Storks, wrestled, played… Had a blast! He couldn’t hang… He passed out around 11pm. So I started my movie, Central Intelligence.  SERIOUSLY Funny Movie! I loved it!  After it was over, I put on Breaking Bad… I just can’t get enough!!!! I didn’t go to sleep until 4am!!! AUGH! It was month end with Scentsy, and I had to stay awake for this gorgeous warmer…..


We knew this warmer was going to be HUGE!!!!! It was supposed to be the December Warmer of the month, but the consultants LOVED it so much and everyone was freaking out, so they pushed it to January. Had more made.. And guess what? IT WAS GONE IN 90 MINUTES! Say What!?? It’s currently on Backorder, but will be back…. Luckily I ordered quick enough to get mine in for my customers. We can order these warmers all month long, but the ones ordered after about 2am, won’t be in until possibly MAY!!!! EEEEK!  If you’re interested in this warmer, you CAN order it anytime this month!!! Just let me know!

January is also amazing because usually it’s $99 to join Scentsy. But this month you can join for $49! SO AMAZING!!!! This is the PERFECT time to join my Scentsy team!!!!! I have a GREAT group of ladies on my team! We work together, encourage each other, love each other! You can join my team by clicking HERE I will help you get your business off the group and going! Our entire team will! 😀


There ya go… That’s exaclty what you get for joining for $49 in January! Everything you’ll need to get your business going! YAY!

ALSO, another promotion for January, as if all that’s not enough….. It’s Bring Back My Bar Month!!!! We voted for OLD retired scents, and they tallied the votes and brought back the top 20… THEN the owners chose 5 more so this month there’s TWENTY FIVE! How cool is that?!??! Here’s a list of retired scents brought back this month ONLY!


Black Ruby is my Mom’s all time favorite scent… I’ve already ordered 12 for her. LOL! She ran out a couple months ago, and she’s been having withdraws….. I have put other scents in her room, but nothing compares! WE LOVE BLACK RUBY!!!!! Another one I love is Luxe Vanilla!!  I had never smelled it until I got mine in last week…. It is so good!!! Back in the old days, my room mate bought some candles from Gourmet Pantry… She out them on our dining room table.  Just about every single day, we’d sit at the table and talk… Probably mostly about guys.. HAHA! As we’d talk, we’d smell those candles over and over. HAHA! No exaggeration. We LOVED them!! So I opened up this box of Bring Back My Bar Bars… Smelled Luxe Vanilla…. And it INSTANTLY took me back to Canyon Crossings apartments and to that dining room table! AAAAHHHHHHH! So good!! I absolutely LOVE it! You need to check these bars out!! If you like Coffee, you need Coffee Tree! Jude LOVES it! Smells like Papa! 😀 ANYWAYS! That’s it for me! Join my Scentsy Team!!!! We are having a BLAST!  PLUS, we are still working towards our INCENTIVE Trip! Even newbies can earn it if you work for it! Let me know if you have any questions! 😀




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How Did This Happen?

I did it… I jumped on the Breaking Bad Bandwagon…. The first episode was good… But not SUPER good… The next few were good, but kinda gross.. Gory. I don’t do gory. Bleh. My nephew told me to keep going.. It gets better.. (Everyone says the same about Gilmore girls.. after 15 episodes, it did NOT get better) So I kept on.. I am currently on Season 2 Episode 13. THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! And how did I not know how hot Aaron Paul  is!? I mean, seriously. He has the prettiest teeth. LOL! I just learned he’s on Central Intelligance so I’ll be renting that from Redbox soon. LOL! 😛



Can y’all believe it’s about to be 2017!? I mean, seriously! I think I say EVERY YEAR that we should be wearing riding hover boards (real ones, not this jicky ones they have now) and wearing space suits… But really. Just crazy!

Jude and I were talking today… There was something he HAD to do, but kept telling me “I can’t” and it was getting all over me! It was over and over and over. I finally told him “That’s it. No more I can’t. YES YOU CAN. I know you can do it” Then I told him “2017 is our year to do BRAVE things. NO MORE I can’t. No more being scared to do anything. 2017 is OUR year”…. I think reminded him of how scared we both were to learn to swim.. How he refused to go under water at first because he was so scared… That got him talking about how far he came after even just a few lessons. 😀 We are both on the same page here. NO MORE I CAN’T. I posted a picture on FB the other day….

Here’s the pic… And here’s the status I wrote to go with it…..


I’ve spent the majority of my life speaking curses over my life instead of blessings. 2017 is the year I speak blessings only (and receive them!) I have always spoken I am stupid, I am dumb, I am ugly, I am an idiot, I am sick, I am anxious, etc. But now I will speak life.. I am healthy, I am loved, I am successful, I am smart, I am kind, I am beautiful… let’s see where this year leads me!

What are some things you’re speaking into YOUR life this coming year?

Anyone else out there struggle with speaking curses over your life, instead of speaking blessings?  The Bible says “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue” Proverbs 18:21 I’ve been told that my entire life… But it just never seems to stick.  I know it, but I’ve believed the worst for so long, that it’s hard for me to reverse it. But, I am FINALLY making it my REAL goal to do it this time.  I am speaking ONLY positive things over my life, over Jude’s  life, over my Scentsy Business, over our future, etc.

So that’s what I am working towards! What about y’all?? Any New Years Resolutions? I don’t usually set any resolutions…. I never end up finishing them so… LOL! I am going to try my hardest to eat better and lose weight… Lord knows I need to.. I am planning on doing a liver detox… I don’t drink.. And haven’t in 7 years. But I sometimes think it might be a little sluggish.. I found a 3 day detox on Pinterest… So we’ll see.

What are y’alls plans for New Years Eve??  I don’t have any plans… Jude and I will rent STORKS and I’ll rent either Sully Or Central Intelligence for after he goes to bed…. We’re pretty exciting people over here. LOL! 😛

Okay, that’s enough for now! I m going to eat Breakfast for Supper! 🙂





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I’m Trying Here!

Hey everyone! I am trying to get back into blogging more than once or twice a year! So twice in a month is pretty amazing! LOL! 😀

How are y’all doing? How was y’alls Christmas? Mine was great! I have to say, Christmas with children is EVERYTHING!  I MAY have gone a little overboard.. LOL! I just love seeing my son happy! He’s been so excited this Christmas season!!! From the tree, to the lights, and music and movies and presents.. It’s just been so magical this year!!!! I have LOVED it all with him! Just as magical for me as for him. LOL! I started Christmas shopping a few months ago… I had extra money due to my Scentsy job, so I have been buying here and there.. we buy for the WHOLE family…. and this year it included Brynne’s boyfriend and his two kiddos! So I bought everyone one thing, and Jude about 7. LOL! I just couldn’t help it! He got everything he wanted this year, I made sure of that! So Christmas Eve is when we ALL get together at my PawPaw’s… We ALWAYS eat sandwiches and chips and dips for supper. Then we all sit in the living room and my PawPaw reads the Christmas story from Luke in the Bible. After that, we have a time of prayer.. We stand in a circle and hold hands and my Mama prays. THEN it’s time for presents.. It’s ALWAYS been the kiddos job to pass out gifts… It was me and my sisters growing up, and then it was passed on to my niece and nephew, and Jude. It’s so much fun! Watching Jude open his presents is my absolute FAVORITE thing in the whole wide world!!!! He got ALL kinds of awesome gifts… Light sabers, Nerf Guns, The Jungle Book movie, a bow and arrow, targets…. SO MANY AWESOME gifts!! He loved everything! I also got awesome gifts… A Pioneer Woman Cook Book (she’s our favorite!), money, an ULTA gift card, and a movie with four movies, all because I asked for “Because I Said So”.. HAHA! 😀 I LOVE that movie!

So usually, we stay the night at my PawPaw’s and do Santa stuff and then eat lunch together.. This year, I wanted to change it up. Jude and I are making memories, he’s only young for a short time.. So we came home by ourselves.. My parents stayed the night. Jude and I came home and got cookies and milk for Santa, and a carrot for the reindeer. Then Jude went to sleep while Mama stayed up until 2am wrapping Santa gifts. LOL! RIDICULOUS!

Jude woke up about 830am (Thank Goodness it wasn’t 6am!) We opened our stockings (I bought fun stuff for myself for mine! LOL!) and Jude was SO happy! Besides his little stocking stuffers, he got an electronic Kylo Ren Light Saber, and the four pack velociraptor set from Jurassic World, and Mario Party 10 for his Wii U! He said he had the best Christmas!!! That made me so happy! 😀 After that, we got dressed and headed BACK out to my PawPaw’s for lunch. We had a wonderful lunch, made by my Mom and my aunt, then just hung around the rest of the day. We did get some TERRIBLE news while out there….. GEORGE MICHAEL DIED! WAHHHHHHHHH! This is SERIOUSLY sad to me! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him! I always wanted to marry him when I was younger. LOL! 😛 Father Figure, Teacher, Careless Whisper, and One More Try, are my top favorites! But I love so many of his songs!


Anyways, we stayed out there utnil about 6 or so and came home! Jude loved being home and playing with his presents! I slept SUPER late today. LOL! I am off work until the 3rd! HELLO! My job ROCKS!!!!!

Preparing for Christmas is my favorite! Thinking of great gifts for people, planning, etc.. I LOVE IT! I had almost everything bought by the beginning of the month, but I need to finish up stocking stuffers.. So, Friday night Jude didn’t get to sleep until SUPER Late, I’m talking like 11pm.. So I ran to Target…. I was going to get a pair of PJ’s for his Elf to give him that night… they were totally picked over! I had to go to WalMart.. Which I didn’t want to do.. I HATE going there… So I go.. Pick out PJ’s and some other stuff, and go get in one of the crazy long lines… I started to a guy in line and we noticed NONE of the lines had moved.. Like AT ALL… Then an annoucement came over the speaker.. Their registers were ALL offline, and it would take about 10 minutes… FINALLY they came back on.. More like 15 or 20 minutes.. Then we noticed our line STILL hadn’t moved… The people at the register were standing there while the cashier was KEYING IN by hand their ENTIRE order.. and it was BIG! UGH! So she turned her light off and we all moved over.. To an even longer line.. By this time, it was after 1am!!! WEll, all of the sudden, a girl I’d been in line with earlier came up to me and said “come on, my Mom told me to come get you and let you in front of us”!!! SAY WHAT!? SWEETEST THING EVER and shows the spirit of Christmas! So FINALLY I got home! LOL! WHEW!!!!

So… There ya have it! A full recap of my Christmas! LOL! 😀 Pretty exciting, huh??? 😀 I hope your Christmas was FABULOUS as well!

Today, I met up with my oldest friend and we saw “Why Him?” LOL! Oh geeze… Has anyone else seen that? Terribly inappropriate, but there were times we were laughing so hard we were gasping for air. LOL! I just LOVE James Franco! He is seriously adorable!!!!! The rest of the week will be spent shopping and having fun with Jude.. Maybe taking him to the movies or bowling, or something fun!!!!

I hope y’all have a WONDERFUL Christmas break!! I’ll be back later! 😀

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Christmas Time is Here!

Remember that time I said I was going to keep up with this thing? HAHA! Yeah, it’s been a LONG Time since I’ve blogged! WOW!!!! I can’t say much has changed though.

Work is awesome! EXHAUSTING, but AWESOME! 🙂 I love my job, I love the dr’s I work for, and I love my coworkers!!! I especially love my patients! They are awesome!!!! Most of our patients are elderly.. Pretty much all of them are, and they’re GREAT!!!! We had one last week who touched me with kind words! He asked me if I was a single Mother.. I said yes.. Then he asked if I had Christmas taken care of.. If I had Santa gifts for my son!!!!!! There ARE Kind people in this world! Luckily with my job and my awesome Scentsy business, I DO have my Christmas taken care of, but just to know he cared enough, and WOULD have helped if I needed it, was amazing, and such a blessing to me!!! He said that he married a single mom, and he has seen first hand how difficult it is. He said that Single Mom’s are the Heroes of the World! 😉  He is a total sweetheart!!!!!

Can you believe Christmas is this weekend?  I CAN’T!!! It’s so crazy how fast this year has flown by! I love Christmas! I LOVE Everything about it!!!! I love that Jesus was born just for us! To save us from our Sins and take is to Heaven! I LOVE Christmas music! I love Cheesy Hallmark Christmas Movies! I love Classic and newer Christmas movies! I love presents! I love Christmas lights! I love family time! I just ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHRISTMAS!  This year, I am doing Elf on a Shelf with Jude. LOL! 🙂 It’s interesting to say the least! 😀 HAHA! I always said I’d never do one, but he came home asking when his was coming! Of course I had to do it! 😀 HE LOVES IT! He wakes up excited EVERY morning! He has to go find his Elf! Some nights, I get creative and fun…. Some nights I am lame and boring and just move  it to a new place! LOL! He loves it either way! Here are a few I’ve done…. 😀


The last one is my favorite! LOL! 😛 Hey! When you’re a Boy Mom, you gotta get gross sometimes!!!! We are BOTH having a blast with this crazy thing! But I haven’t decided what to do next!

Anyways! I started a new tv series… I’m watching Switched at Birth. My niece BEGGED me to try it! LOL! Tonight, she made me eat dinner with them JUST so I’d have to watch the first episode with her! HA! So far, so good! I’m on episode 3. Anyone else watch this? I started Breaking Bad the other night…  I’m on episode 4, but I don’t know what I think about it yet… A little dark… some gore… So I can’t decide yet what I think……

Anyways! That’s about all that’s going on here! 😀 Pretty boring! Now y’all can see why I haven’t posted lately! HAHA!

I hope y’all have a FANTASTIC Christmas!!!!!!


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Working on ME!

Hey everyone! How are y’all doing?  I am doing good! It’s Saturday! YAY! I LOVE the weekends! Work is REALLY good, but who DOESN’T Love a good weekend!??!  I only work 4 days a week and STILL live for the weekends. HAHA! I love my job… I have learned so much, and continue to learn every day! I work with AMAZING ladies and the two dr’s are awesome too!

Lots of stuff going on around here! Jude and I moved home to my parents again temporairily. We were living in an apartment for about a year and a half… The last 6 months it got BAD. Maintenance was slacking, and new neighbors moved in above us… These guys were RIDICULOUS! Literally the loudest people I have EVER heard… And that is NOT an exaggeration.  They were loud ALL NIGHT and ALL DAY! THEN they get two dogs… OH EM GEE!!!! They got worse! We complained.. A LOT. The apartment complex didn’t care.. We eventually found someone to sublease from us, so we got out FAST! So, now we are back at the parents house until we find a better place! Jude is LOVING Being back at Nana and Papa’s. LOL! Since Dad retired, Jude has a full time play mate. HAHAHAHAH!

Other things going on… Scentsy… It’s so fun, and so good! This Fall/Winter, I believe my team is going to BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER!!!!  There are so many Amazing things happening this year!  The new catalog is TO.DIE.FOR! SO many cute new products! YOU NEED TO SEE IT!  You DEFINITELY need to join my Scentsy team and see what is going on!! Did you know if you join in AUGUST you get an ENAHNCED SUPER SIZE KIT!??  Well you do! I currently have a team of 40, with two reinstating next month, I believe, and I know we will grow even more than that in August for sure! Will YOU Be one of them??? Let me give you another reason to join my team…. AUGUST STARTS THE QUALIFICATION PERIOD FOR THE INCENTIVE TRIPS!  Wanna know where we’re going if we earn????? It’s 5 levels… You can earn Scentsy family reunion next Summer… Kansas City, MO… OR Punta Cana, Dominacan Republic…. OR the Top 100 earners can go to…… AN AFRICAN SAFARI!! OH.EM.GEE! WHAT!???!!  Any of those appeal to you??? Hop on over to my website and click JOIN! You may wanna wait until MONDAY tho to get the SUPERSIZE KIT!  You can go to my site HERE

In Other news… Jude and I started Swimming lessons a few weeks ago! LOL! YES… You read that right… BOTH of us.. Swimming Lessons!  I found this INCREDIBLE lady who teaches in her backyard. We have private lessons… Jude usually goes first, then I go.  HAHA! We are having the BEST time! And do you know how empowering it is to learn something you have ALWAYS wanted to learn and have never been able to before?????  WOW! I feel AWESOME everytime I am done! 😛  May sound really stupid to some of you… Most people learn to swim as children. Well I didn’t. So, I am learning now.  It is NEVER too late to learn something new!!! Our swim instructor told me she can help me with the motions and learning HOW to do it, but she can’t teach my brain and stop it from being scared…. I made a decision before we even went to her that I was going to learn and I wasn’t going to let fear stand in my way. I didn’t… And I have done “swimmingly”.. BAHAHAHAHAHAH! 😀  Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but have been scared?? Fight past it and GO FOR IT!  You will be amazed at how you feel when you do it!  I know I do!

I am currently growing my hair out from the buzz cut… It is interesting. LOL!  Sometimes I just have to laugh when I look in the mirror. LOL!!! I watched a lot of videos before deciding to shave my head…. And the women who did it all said the biggest con to shaving their head was the growing out phase…THEY WERE RIGHT! WHEW! My hair has kinda been sticking out EVERYWHERE!!! It is actually growing out pretty good right now, it’s getting longer and laying flat in SOME places. HAHA! 😀 It’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to change it up and do something new!! I haven’t dyed my hair at all since I shaved it, and man oh man is my white shining… I HAVE A LOT OF WHITE/SILVER HAIR! EEEEEEEK!


The lipstick used in this pic is AWESOME! It’s the NYX Ombre Lip Duo in Poppy & Lilly! This picture was taken at about 1:30pm…. I put that lip duo on at 830am! I had been drinking my water all morning, plus had lunch and it was STILL on! SO AWESOME!!!!I also used the NYX Setting Spray.. IT IS SO GOOD! Definitely check those out!!!!!

One last thing…. My son turned SIX last week! SIX!!!! Is that unbelievable or what?!?  I can’t believe my baby is growing up! He had a BIG Birthday party… It was crazy!!! I brought 8 Large Pizzas and they were gone in minutes! Little Ceasers has really stepped up their game lately! Those pizzas were GOOD!  Jude got lots of Legos, Nerf Guns, video games, and so much more! We had SO much fun!! Anyways!

I guess that’s all for now! I hope y’all enjoyed this post!!! And I hope y’all consider joining my Scentsy team! We really do have a BLAST!!! You’ll be added to our Scentsy team page, and have access to a lot of info, ideas, advice, and encouragement!

Talk to y’all soon!




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I Did It!

Well, if you read my last post, you’ll already know what I am going to post about! 🙂

In my last post I talked about shaving my head. Today, I did it! 🙂  We left a little longer in front, but not much. IT.IS.SHORT!! I had a lot of feedback on Facebook when I posted about it last week. Some was really positive, and others were telling me not to do it. LOL! My hair can be quite controversial. LOL! Just kidding. But just lots of people weighing in. If you know me, you know I don’t do my hair for anyone but me.

So I posted pics on my Facebook… I’ve had people telling me it looks great, etc.  Some may not comment, maybe because they don’t like it.. ??  I don’t know.. And to be honest, I don’t care. At all.  I feel GOOD!!!!! REALLY GOOD! As soon as my hair came off, I felt good! Liberated! Happy!! Hair defines who I am. I know people that don’t feel that way would never understand it, but it does.  I LOVE MY HAIR. And I love doing what I want to do with it.  Changing it up. Doing something different.  Especially things that I know a lot of other people would NEVER do. Whether because they don’t like it, or because they were too scared. Well.. I DID IT. And I don’t regret it one bit.

This evening, my son and I went to United to buy a few groceries. I walked in with my head held high.. I FELT AWESOME. And guess what?  People looked at me. LOTS of people looked at me. I grinned. And guess what they did? They grinned back! HAHA! I actually am not sure if I’ve ever felt THIS confident in my life. Honestly. Isn’t that weird?! HAHA!

So, whether you like my hair buzzed or not, just know, I REALLY, REALLY don’t care. HAHA! I like it. My son likes it. And that’s literally all that matters to me.







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Why Should We Care?

Hey everyone! WHY DO I SUCK AT UPDATING THIS THING!??  I guess I am just toooo busy.. Yeah, that’s it. LOL!

So… I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my hair, and needing a change.. Right now I have one side partially shaved and the other side is longer. It’s incredibly cute, but I’m over it. Everyone that knows me, knows I like changing it up A LOT.. And knows I go for SHOCK VALUE. HAHA! So, I went with my best friend and her daughter yesterday to the salon and her daughter cut ALL of her hair off! MAJOR difference and she looks ADORABLE! I absolutely LOVE it! So…. I am ready for a change. A big one… Something I have been thinking about for a very long time and have joked about for AGES.  It’s now time to do it. Just go for it.  No matter what everyone else says. 😛 Which brings me to my main thoughts here….

WHY THE HECK DO WE CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!??????  I used to. I used to care WAY TO MUCH! But now, I HONESTLY don’t care what others think about me… Especially my hair.  But the funny thing is.. EVERYONE always tells me not to do a certain look, but 9 times out of 10 when I go for it, the majority of people LOVE it.  Or at least LIKE it. LOL! But seriously… What is it in us that makes us CARE what other people think about how we look? Here’s a thought for y’all….. Regarding my hair… LOL! If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. My hair grows SO incredibly fast, it’s seriously INSANE!!!! I get my hair cut every 3-4 weeks.

So…… What I am wanting…. A buzz cut. I want to shave it all off! How fun would that be?!  I already have part of my head shaved. Why not go all the way? This is me now…….


See how that one side is shaved? I was thinking about it and I had a PRETTY CLOSE buzz cut back in 2009….


I LOVED That cut… Of course, the guy I was dating hated it, and my family hated it… But since when do I cut my hair for others? Never. HAHA!


I honestly just think that we shouldn’t care what people think.  I am not harming myself. I am not harming others. I like being a little bit different… And doing things with my hair that is a little daring… a little weird… something that others would NEVER do.  I don’t know that I have ANY friends or family members that would do this. And to me, it’s fun. HAHA! I’ve been looking at pictures and watching videos….. the more I think about it and the more I watch, the more I want to do it.  Be on the look out.. by the end of the week… I’ll keep y’all posted. 😀

And let’s ALL do something we’ve always wanted to do, but have been WAY too scared to do because we’re scared of what people will think! AND….. Go!

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Here I am

Hello There! How are y’all doing??!  I am doing GREAT!  Right now I am enjoying some awesome Mommy time… Watching Drop Dead Diva, eating chips and hot sauce, and browsing Facebook, Playing Mahjong, etc. LOL!!!!! Yes, I am a great multi-tasker! HA! Jude didn’t go to sleep until almost 11pm so I needed a little time to  myself, or else I’d be SOUND ASLEEP! 😛

Things here are going good! I seriously have THE BEST JOB EVER!!!  I’ve been there for a little over a month, and I am LOVING it!  The ladies I work with are so much fun, the dr’s awesome, and the patients are so incredibly sweet! I am learning SO much and considering getting CERTIFIED! WOOT! Jude and I are ABSOLUTELY loving me being off on Friday’s!!!!!  We don’t do anything big or important….. We just REALLY enjoy being together! It is so much fun!!!!  We are hoping to take a little over night trip soon! 😀

I got a massage today and man oh man did I need it!!!  It’s been quite awhile since I had one and I have been in so much pain lately!!!! I laid in bed all day yesterday and most of today… It feels better, but now I have a headache! BLEH!!!


Ya know how there are all kinds of monthly subscription deals? Birchbox, Ipsy, etc?  Well, I found another that I am SO insanely excited about!  It’s called SCENTBIRD!  You pay $14.95 a month… You take a test on their site and they give some recommendations… But you choose the scents you want and put them in your “queue”… Then they send you a 30 day trial of the scents you choose…. One per month! I am all signed up and I can’t wait to get my first one!!!!  Use my link to sign up https://www.scentbird.com/r/d/sherilyncrutchfield2  We can get FREE perfume! WHO DOESN’T LOVE THAT!??!?  I LOVE NEW PERFUME!!!!!!! Hopefully I’ll remember to keep y’all posted on it. LOL! 😀 Y’all know I always forget!

Anyways! It’s almost 1am and I am SLEEPY!!!!!  Night, Night guys!